Thursday, December 26, 2019

Analysis Of Mrs. Dalloway - 1298 Words

Walt Whitman’s poem When I heard the Learn’d Astronomer shows a moment which captures the beauty of self-reliance and non-conformity. In the poem, the speaker listens to a lecturer who speaks about astronomy through calculations and measurements. Being sick and tired of the lecture, the speaker wanders off outside to see the stars for himself and becomes struck in awe of the physical beauty of the stars. He also regains peace within himself after finding a new outlet for understanding. This idea of non-conformity being a precursor to self-actualization and inner-peace similarly resonates in Virginia Woolf’s novel Mrs. Dalloway. The portrayal Clarissa Dalloway and Septimus Smith are both examples in the novel that show the negative consequences of conformity. In the beginning lines of the poem, the speaker begins to tell an anecdote about a time he heard a â€Å"learn’d astronomer†. The man is perceived to be highly intelligent and specifically inves ted in the study of astronomy. However, Whitman contracts the word â€Å"learned†, presenting a plain voice that contrasts to the revered sophistication of the astronomer (Whitman 1). This ironic use of tone could be used in order to make fun of the astronomer, despite being a well-educated man and a master of astronomy. Continuing on, the astronomer presents his mathematical â€Å"proofs†, â€Å"ranged in columns† by using â€Å"figures† and the â€Å"charts and diagram† (2-3). The speaker at this point hears the lecture as a list of randomShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Virginia Woolfs Mrs. Dalloway1756 Words   |  8 PagesIt is itself doubtable that Virginia Woolf’s 1925 novel Mrs. Dalloway would or even could exist, as we know it today, without T.S. Eliot’s 1922 poem The Waste Land – but what’s near-certain to me now is that Woolf may not have ever even written the character of Septimus Warren Smith, had she not read E liot’s poem first. Moreover, after going back and reviewing both of these works, the presence of The Waste Land in Septimus, and of Septimus in The Waste Land, are intensely palpable, if not completelyRead MoreAnalysis Of The Novel Mrs. Dalloway Essay1461 Words   |  6 PagesBritish Literature October 2, 2016 Signature Assignment: Mrs. Dalloway In Virginia Woolf’s book Mrs. Dalloway, she describes the different social class rankings in the 1920s and her characters are compared and contrast during this time. In this time period, class was based on your social upbringing and how you made a living. Clarissa is described as an upper class woman, who is high in society and is married to a wealthy man, Richard Dalloway. She is seen in society, as a woman who has a sense of expensiveRead MoreMrs Dalloway Character Analysis973 Words   |  4 PagesHow far would you go to balance your internal insecurities to keep your external world perfect? In the book, â€Å"Mrs. Dalloway† by Virginia Woolf the main character Clarissa Dalloway struggles to find a steadiness between her lavish outside life and her insecure emotions on the inside. Clarissa lives a high-class life and is a rich housewife. She often finds herself thinking about death and living her life over again. She struggles with sharing her emotions and likes to a ct as if she is a shallow personRead MoreAnalysis Of The Novel Mrs. Dalloway2371 Words   |  10 Pages Mrs. Dalloway is a novel that examines the world of sexuality and gender amongst the repressive social structure of post-war London through Clarissa and Septimus, two individuals who struggle with queer desires and socially constructed categories of gender. The novel’s title suggests the inescapable structure that Clarissa in particular is bound to regarding the status and assumptions of what it means to be a woman. 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Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, or E. L. James’s Fifty Shades of Grey, but it is a work of literature that revolutionized the art of writing, which continues to influence people’s philosophies, beliefs, and views on life— even roughly afterRead MoreAnalysis the Use of Stream of Consciousness in Mrs Dalloway8784 Words   |  36 PagesAnal ysis the use of stream of consciousness in Mrs Dalloway BY Qian Jiajia Prof. Zhang Li, Tutor A Thesis Submitted to Department of English Language and Literature in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of B.A in English At Hebei Normal University May 8th , 2009 Abstract As one of the representative writers of novels of stream of consciousness, Virginia Woolf has made important contributions to the development of the technique of stream of consciousnessRead MoreAnalysis Of Virginia Woolfs Mrs. Dalloway1131 Words   |  5 PagesVirginia Woolf suggested that the War was towering too closely and tremendously to be worked into fiction yet†¦ (Tylee, 154). Regardless of this, Virginia Woolf was able to successfully portray individual aspects of the war through her novel Mrs. Dalloway, using a variety of stories to historicize this catastrophic event. One lens in particular, the love story, provides an important parallel to the war. This spectacle shows the potency of this war, as strain was created in even what should beRead MoreAnalysis Of The Novel Mrs. Richard Dalloway 1446 Words   |  6 Pagessafe route. She married a well-off politician, and lives a materially satisfying lifestyle. However, she constantly questions her life choices and is plagued by self-doubt. She seems to have lost her sense of self, seeing herself simply as â€Å"Mrs. Richard Dalloway† (10). Her lifestyle causes her to become concerned with her image in society, and she becomes burdened by her constant worry about living up to her role as a politician’s wife. Septimus, on the other hand, risks his life to fight in the warRead MoreAnalysis Of Peter Walshs Mrs. Dalloway1603 Words   |  7 PagesPeter Walsh is a temporarily homeless character inhabiting the pages of Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway. Away from his adopted home of India, he finds lodgment in memories of the past (his own and other’s), Clarissa Dalloway’s party and living room, Regents Park, a hotel room and a restaurant – along with the streets he traverses. While the Dalloways and the Smiths arrive at home, Walsh is in a state of motion or potential motion throughout the text. After he arrives at the decision to attend Clarissa’s

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Loss of Innocence in A Long Way Gone Memoirs of a Boy...

A prominent theme in A Long Way Gone is about the loss of innocence from the involvement in the war. A Long Way Gone is the memoir of a young boy, Ishmael Beah, wanders in Sierra Leone who struggles for survival. Hoping to survive, he ended up raiding villages from the rebels and killing everyone. One theme in A long Way Gone is that war give innocent people the lust for revenge, destroys childhood and war became part of their daily life. In the A Long Way Gone, Ishmael Beah, a twelve-year-old explains how he used to go on a swim with his friends and his love for rap music and hip-hop dance. When Ishmael and his friends went to visit Mattru Jong, they visited Ishmaels grandparents in Kabati. While staying at the Mattru Jong, they†¦show more content†¦Then, the boys were caught by a group of guarding villagers and they were sent to the chief of the village. When the chief is decides to drown the boys, the rap tape in Ishmaels pocket leads them to discover that they arent a th reat and only innocent boys. The boys stayed in Kamator for one month until it was finally attacked. Ishmael and his brother were seperated and never seen him again even his friends. Surviving alone in the forest for a month, Ishmael was able to find the exit of the forest and joins a group other boys. When the boys reach seashore, they were caught by fishermen. The fishermen gave the boys shoes because of their severe burn feet on the hot sand. After two weeks, the villagers caught the boys and when the chief saw Ishmaels rap cassette, they allows them to leave. When they are travelling to the next village, Saidu became sick and quiet. When they boys arrived, A woman was able to tell Ishmael about his family in the next village. The next day, Saidu died at night and he was givena funeral arrangements and Ishmael and the other boys became sad because of their friends sudden death. After Saidus death, they head to the next village looking forward seeing their families. They came acro ss Gasemu and walk with him, but when they reached the village, the rebels were already attacking and the boys were hiding. Then, the rebels were able to hear them and Gasemu and the boys began to run while theShow MoreRelatedA Long Way Gone : Memoirs Of A Boy Solider1244 Words   |  5 Pages A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of A Boy Solider is a biography of a young man, Ishmael Beah, during his years of growing up as a child of war in Sierra Leone, Africa. The story begins in January of 1993 in his hometown village Mogbwemo. Beah who is twelve at the time is a part of hip-hop dance and music group with his brother Junior, and friend Talloi. The boys leave their village one day to the neighboring city to perform in their friend’s talent show. While the rap group is away, rebels attack theirRead MoreA Long Way Gone Argument Essay examples990 Words   |  4 PagesEddie Salcedo Mr. Stone December 5, 2012 7th period A Long Way Until The End of This Essay The author of A Long Way Gone argues against boy soldiers but also against the loss of innocence. Beah’s parents are burned alive by the rebels; this is the first step towards his animosity towards them. In his story he talks about snorting brown brown, shooting men and how he was slowly corrupted by the men around him, turning him into a machine. It tells the story of a world as horrendous as anyRead MoreA Long Way Gone By Ishmael Beah2157 Words   |  9 PagesA Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah, published by Sarah Crichton Books in New York in 2007, tells the haunting story of Ishmael Beah, a child soldier during the Sierra Leone Civil War. The book begins in January of 1993 in Ishmael’s small village called Mogbwemo, located near Mattru Jong, Sierra Leone. A Long Way Gone addresses a plethora of geographical issues such as refugees and population movements, child exploitation, and most of all: war. Each of these issues directly affects Ishmael, the autobiographerRead MoreThe Recruitment and Use of Child Soldiers2124 Words   |  8 Pagesall else as the rebel forces engaged the army. Sprinting, standing, crouching, or lying down, the soldiers focused solely on one thing: killing their enemies. With an assortment of weapons and under the influence of drugs, they carried out their jobs with ruthless efficiency. They spared no one because each side believ ed the other to be monsters. Kill after kill with blood on their hands, the soldiers fought on, driven by their desire for revenge and justice. To them, they were doing their countryRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Beowulf 3700 Words   |  15 Pagesone’s status in the ancient culture of Beowulf. The only way to prove oneself as a warrior was in battle and by violent, heroic deeds. 2. As a classic of English literature, the poem presents a basic theme: good vs. evil. Explain how the poem presents this theme. Compare it to other works which share a similar theme. You may use all forms of media as support. Why do you think this theme has been and continues to be so popular? In many ways, Beowulf follows the pattern of the simplest kind of epicRead MoreFarewell to Manzanar Novell Analysis Essay3943 Words   |  16 Pagesof Farewell to Manzanar 1)Title-Farewell to Manzanar, published in 1973, was written by Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston and James D. Houston. It is a classic memoir of the life and struggles of a young Japanese internee and her family at Manzanar during World War Two. The title, Farewell to Manzanar, automatically sets a theme of grief, sadness, and loss. The significance of the title throughout the book, is that Jeanne is forced to say farewell to her father, friends, and previous lifestyle atone pointRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 Pagesvaluable. Peter Holdt Christensen, Associate Professor, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark McAuley et al.’s book is thought-provoking, witty and highly relevant for understanding contemporary organizational dilemmas. The book engages in an imaginative way with a wealth of organi zational concepts and theories as well as provides insightful examples from the practical world of organizations. The authors’ sound scholarship and transparent style of writing set the book apart, making it an ingenious read

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Cultural heritage free essay sample

SUSTAINABLE TOURISM Sustainable tourism is a form of tourism that follows the principles of sustainability. According to the WTO, the principles that define sustainable tourism are: The natural and cultural resources are conserved for its continuous use in the future, while they reported profits. Tourism development is planned and managed so as not to cause serious environmental or socio-cultural problems. The environmental quality is maintained and improved. It seeks to maintain a high level of visitor satisfaction and the destination retains its prestige and commercial potential. The benefits of tourism are spread widely throughout all the society. The Ten recommendations for sustainable tourism† are: When planning your trip, choose those suppliers that offer guarantees of quality to you and respect for human rights and the environment. Use natural resources such as water and energy in moderation. Remember they are scarce goods. Try to minimize waste generation. They are a source of contamination. Objects figure in the study of human history because they provide a concrete basis for ideas, and can validate them. Their preservation demonstrates a recognition of the necessity of the past and of the things that tell its story. [1]  In  The Past is a Foreign Country,  David Lowenthal  observes that preserved objects also validate  memories. While  digital acquisition techniques  can provide a technological solution that is able to acquire the shape and the appearance of artifacts with an unprecedented precision[2]  in human history, the actuality of the object, as opposed to a reproduction, draws people in and gives them a literal way of touching the past. This unfortunately poses a danger as places and things are damaged by the hands of tourists, the light required to display them, and other risks of making an object known and available. The reality of this risk reinforces the fact that all artifacts are in a constant state of chemical transformation, so that what is considered to be preserved is actually changing – it is never as it once was. [3]  Similarly changing is the value each generation may place on the past and on the artifacts that link it to the past. What one generation considers cultural heritage may be rejected by the next generation, only to be revived by a subsequent generation. Cultural property  includes the physical, or tangible ultural heritage, such as  buildings  and historic places,  monuments, books, documents, works of art, machines, clothing, and other artifacts, that are considered worthy of preservation for the future. These include objects significant to the archaeology, architecture, science or technology of a specific culture.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Why Americans change in religious preferences Essay Example

Why Americans change in religious preferences Essay Just recently, a couple of months back, the issue regarding Americans change in religious preferences has been discussed and reported nationally. Most newspapers have integrated this phenomenon to their news due to a lot of developing information about Americans changing their religious affiliations. The growing numbers through the years with regards to this issue have attracted nationwide clamor. This trend among religious affiliations has developed through the years and has created a huge effect on America. Realizing and analyzing the reasons behind these changes in religious affiliations can help understand what was done wrong and what ideas were misunderstood.THESIS STATEMENTWhat are the reasons why Americans change their religious affiliations?PEW SURVEYThe PEW Survey was the most recent survey that hit the news. This survey attracted the nation and raised awareness among the issue of   change in religious affiliations.â€Å"More than a quarter of adult Americans have left th e faith of their childhood to join   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   another religion or no religion, according to a new survey of religious affiliation by   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life. The report, titled â€Å"U.S. Religious    Landscape Survey,† depicts a highly fluid and diverse national religious life. If shifts   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   among Protestant denominations are included, then it appears that 44 percent of   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Americans have switched religious affiliations.† (Banerjee, 2008).Scholars have stressed, for at least a generation, that there is an increase in Americans moving among faith while there is an erosion in denominational loyalty. Tracking religious affiliations is not conducted by the United States   Census, but the survey from PEW which was based from interviews of more than 35,000 Americans, suggests the truth among the trend that the scholars have been stressing.During the 1980s, an indication from 5 percent to 8 percent of the American population identified themselves as unaffiliated with a certain or specific religion. This was conducted by the General Social Survey by the National Opinion Research Center.â€Å"In the Pew survey 7.3 percent of the adult population said they were unaffiliated with    a faith as children. That segment increases to 16.1 percent of the population in   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   adulthood, the survey found. The unaffiliated are largely under 50 and male. â€Å"Nearly   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   one-in-five men say they have no formal religious affiliation, compared with roughly   Ã‚   13 percent of women,† the survey said.† (Banerjee, 2008).The most affected group are the ones from the Catholic Church. Almost one-third of the survey takers said they were raised as Catholics and have no longer view themselves as such. Among the data given, it can be concluded that roughly 10 percent are former Catholics from th e American population.Immigration also plays a key role in this matter. Most immigrants are Christian and Catholics are almost half. The Muslims challenge the Mormons for acquiring the biggest families. While the Hindus are the most-educated and among the most affluent religious affiliation that the survey showed.â€Å"Experts said the wide-ranging variety of religious affiliation could set the stage for   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   further conflicts over morality or politics, or new alliances on certain issues, as   Ã‚   religious people have done on climate change or Jews and Hindus have done over   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   relations between the United States, Israel and India.† (Benerjee, 2008).The Key findings from the survey:â€Å"Faith is fluid: 44% say theyre no longer tied to the religious or secular upbringing of   Ã‚   their childhood. Theyve changed religions or denominations, adopted a faith for the    first time or abandoned any affiliation a ltogether.† (Grossman, 2008)â€Å"Nothing matters: 12.1% say their religious identity is nothing in particular,   Ã‚  Ã‚   outranking every denomination and tradition except Catholics (23.9%) and all groups   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   of Baptists (17.2%). â€Å" (Gorssman, 2008).â€Å"Protestants are fading: 51.3% call themselves Protestant, but roughly one-third of   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   this group were unable or unwilling to describe their denomination. Immigrants   Ã‚   sustain Catholic numbers: 46% of foreign-born U.S. adults are Catholics, compared   Ã‚   with only 21% of native-born adults. Latinos are now 45% of all U.S. Catholics ages   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   18-29.† (Grossman, 2008).GIVEN DATA ABOUT RELIGIONSAccording to the American Religious Identification Survey or ARIS, the proportion of Americans who are Christians during the year 1990 is 86% and by the the year 2001 it dipped to 77%. The United States is going through an unprecedented chang e in religious practices. Many Americans are changing affiliations or disaffiliating from their religions due to some various reasons.During a 2001 polling data conducted by the American Religious Identification Survey, there were 81% American adults who identify with a specific religion during the year 2001. 76.5% or 159 million of them are Christians. As of May 2007, the percentage dipped to 71% for Christians. By the end of the year of 2008, it is expected to fall below 70%. It could be concluded that by the year 2042, non-Christians will outnumber the Christian in the United States.Also by 2001, there were 52% of Americans who were Protestant, 24.5% were Roman Catholic, 1.3% were Jewish, while 0.5% were Muslims or followers of Islam. Also during the year 2001, according to ARIS, the fastest growing religion in America is Micca (a neopagan religion). While there are various religions in America, there are 14.1% of Americans who do not follow any organized religion.According to th e ARIS survey, about 16% of adult subjects interviewed have changed their religious affiliations. The Baptists picked the largest number at 4.4 million but they also lost 4.6 million. The Catholics lost the greatest number at 9.5 million but also picked up 4.3 million.REASONS FOR CHANGEMarriage also affects this issue. The inter-faith marriages are also causes of change in affiliation. The idea of love and romance overpowers the principles of some people towards their religion, thats why when they get married to people from another religion they usually give up their own religion rather than give up their love.Political affiliations also affect religious affiliations. One example is that 59% of the Assemblies of God followers prefer the republicans. Republicans have 13% who are Jews, while 9% are Buddhists. Democrats on the other hand have 56% Jews.Americans going to adulthood is the course of life when they are most open to religious change and growth. It is at this phase when most Americans convert to another religion. The instability of this phase in life was pinpointed at the General Social Survey.Various reasons have been attributed to the waning religiosity. Most common are the secularization of higher education in college and the guilt caused by the religious deviation from the norms taught by parents. When Americans go to college, the university classrooms give them expanded horizons which becomes the breeding ground to rethink their religious beliefs. The new found freedom leads to the opportunity to stop religious activities like going to church they used to do. Suddenly, they become uninteresting to them and they become curious about other beliefs and at times motivated by their peers which place them at odds with their religious teachings. So it can be further said , new found freedom usually found in colleges or social institution or a certain age group can promote secularization which in turn may lead to stop believing and change affiliation with regards to religion.Other reasons why Americans change their affiliations are the following:-  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Poor religious instruction – some do not even   understand why they are in that religion in the first place which happens to most Catholics. These misunderstandings about their original religions create conflict among a person and confuses him or her and his or her principles. This confusion leads to a search for a better answer or a clearer view of religion. Some people tend to change their religion due to this. Instead of trying to understand more the original religion, they result to find a new one, one that they consider as a more understandable one.-  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Assimilation to American culture where there is strong individualism,choosing their own religious identity. Americans are one of the people in the world who has the strongest individualistic ideas. This individualism leads to freedom and this freedom leads to a more self-expressive form of identity. Being individualistic can be incorporated to having to want a self-learned religion, and not a religion that is passed on from generations.-  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Many finds the faith unreasonable and therefore unbelievable which does not make sense to most Americans and would seem irrational that leads to change of faith. The idea of not believing in ones religion is reason enough for change.-  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another cause can be attributed to Americans being mobile people. During their lifetime theyre likely to change addresses due to changing jobs. So they meet people from other religious faith who influences their beliefs. Many things can happen and many people can affect our lives, these are the life-changing events that can alter a mans views and principles in life. Moving from different places cause different gathered ideas and varying opinions about different subject matters including religion.-  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã ‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Immigration is another key factor for this change of religious affiliation. A fair percent of the American population are immigrants. People from other countries affect Americans and their beliefs. The growing number of immigrants also equal the growing number with regards to the change in affiliations. This diversity affects the wholeness of a certain religion and suggests more division or change.CONCLUSIONReligion is important for a mans spiritual life. It can be accounted that it has existed for thousands and thousands of years. The changes in religion is a reflection of the changes in time. The United States of America is one country who has been long regarded as having diverse people and diverse religion. The percentages shown by recent surveys have raised awareness among people. The changes in affiliations is caused by the changes of time. The world is changing rapidly and religious preferences is not exempted from it.There are a lot reasons that conjure up the not ion of change in religious affiliation in America. It can be due to peoples personal reasons or it can be social, political, racial, or just simply individual. These factors for example: marrying a person from a different religion, or cultural diversity, are reasons that support the over-all idea of change. The world is evolving in a lot of aspects, and America is one country that adapts to change.It is hard to come up with one single reason for Americans changing their religious affiliations, but the effect of globalization could also be one big factor. This globalization is the spread of different cultural ideas around the world. The rich and diverse culture of America has adapted to globalization and modern trends. The traditionalist Americans have been affected by the challenges of the modern times and their religions are also challenged along the way.So, America is adapting to change and religion is not an exception. There are many reasons to back this thought up. But the main points are, Americans have freedom, individualistic ideas and adaptive thinking. Americans have been affected by change and changing religious affiliations is one solution that some Americans conclude as one answer for it.WORKS CITEDBanerjee, Neela. â€Å"Americans Change Faiths at Rising Rate, Report Finds†. The New York   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Times, 25 February 2008. ;  Ã‚   religion.html?incamp=article_popular_2;.Caplovitz, David. The Religious Drop-outs: Apostasy among College Graduates, Beverly   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Hills, CA: Sage, 1977.Grossman, Cathy Lynn. â€Å"Survey: Americans freely change, or drop, their religions†. USA   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Today, 25 February 2008. ;  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   survey_N.htm;â€Å"Study: Nearly Half of Americans Change Their Religious Beliefs†. 26 February 2008. Foxnews. ; /0,2933,332590,00.html;.â€Å"U.S. Religious Landscape Survey†. The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life. 12 May   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   2008. ;;.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Underground Dance Movement essays

The Underground Dance Movement essays In almost every culture throughout history, there has been dance. Prayer dances, celebratory dances, social dances. In many cases, we can see the cultural progression through the progression of dance. In the United States alone, weve seen the transitions from the European-grown ballet to tap, then to modern dance. What is not so well catalogued, however, is the underground progressive dance movement. Starting in the late sixties, the so-called Underground or counter-culture has built its own species of dance. Our subject today is the three most dominant styles of this new wave, popping, or the Electric Boogie, hip hop/break dancing, also known as old school dance, and the trance/house or new school dance. The television show Soul Train was really one of the keys to the spread of these radical new styles. It was especially instrumental in spreading the Electric Boogaloo, or Boogie. The Electric Boogie developed in the mid-sixties by a family of black men living in Fresno, California, through influences like James Brown and strangely enough, TV shows like Lost In Space. It was a mutant child of sorts, of what is called The Robot dance, Popping, and Miming. The Robot is a dance that our generation has grown up recognizing, the angled body parts, sliding feet, and rigid motions all creating the illusion of a human robot. Popping, however is an unfamiliar term to many of you. Popping can be described as energy passed through the body, popping and snapping elbows, wrists, necks, hips and just about all the body joints along the way. The final ingredient to the mix, however, to control and smooth out the stop-and-go of a popping robot, was the influence of mime. The miming is what gives the Electric Boogie its voice, by making it possible to tell stories and create illusions with the body. This new dance was the forerunner to break dancing, and indeed ma ny of the so-called ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

salem witches essays

salem witches essays There have been many books and papers written about the Witches of Salem. There are also many web sites that have excellent stories written about what happened in Salem. Unfortunately, our history books do not elaborate on this period of history. There have also been several movies created about the Salem Witches, some are accurate, most are dramatized. If you want to delve into this era, you will find it most fascinating. The different accounts, some true and some false, make fantastic reading. If you want to know more about this time period you will have to seek information on the web sites or read books that have been written. It will be hard to determine what is true. The two web sites picked for this course are both very interesting. I believe the first site,, is more of a tourist site. It has many interesting articles and facts but it leaves you wanting more, hence, you should visit Salem. The second site,, has much more to offer the avid reader. The site has many interesting facts but does not really elaborate on the time of the trials. They have a lot of information about modern day witches and what they do and believe in. They have many places listed for you to visit and some great pictures of the burial grounds and the witch houses. There is a chronology of the events leading to the trials but I feel that it is very sketchy. If I were to visit Salem this site would be most useful, it is informative to the tourist. The site is very interesting. While I believe both sites to be factual this one had so much more. I was able to read the transcripts of the trials and look at the maps of old Salem. I did not realize how far spread this so called epidemic was. I found the transcript of Increase Mather most interesting and more factual than others I have read. I read all of the Salem Witchcraft Papers offered on ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Father-in-Law and D-Day Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Father-in-Law and D-Day - Essay Example He signed up and volunteered to be trained as a paratrooper, following the footsteps of his older brother George, who was already in the Army and was fighting with the 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division. In August 1941, Chic registered at Fort Devins, Massachusetts and being newly-married and an expert meat cutter, he was told that he would be given consideration to work as a Staff Sergeant at a meat cutting plant in Chicago, preparing meat for the troops. Chic would not have anything of it. So the Army sent him to train as a paratrooper at Camp Taccoa, Georgia. Chic, chuckling during the interview, said that it used to be called Camp Tombs because the camp's site used to be a casket factory. Since he spoke French, was good at photography because of his father, could read maps and the compass very well, and had a good sense of direction, Chic was assigned to work in military intelligence and was trained to be a paratrooper who would be dropped behind enemy lines from a plane so they could check on the enemy, sabotage their transport and communication lines, and give information to American troops on where the enemy was holed up. It was dangerous stuff because these paratroopers would always be the first ones to fight the enemy so they could keep safe those who would come later during the attack (Encarta). From September to October 1941, the training at Camp Tombs turned Chic and thousands of other recruits into hardened young soldiers, preparing them for the tough years ahead. Then off they went to the Parachute School at Fort Benning, Georgia for more training, this time as paratroopers. Chic learned to jump from high altitudes, and shortly before coming home for the Christmas holidays in 1941, he earned his wings (paratroopers who complete their training get a set of golden wings that they proudly display on their uniforms) after his fifth training jump from an airplane thousands of feet up in the sky. The first two jumps were pretty scary, but Chic got the hang of it and found it pretty exciting that he got his wings ahead of the others in his group. In 1942, Chic underwent more paratrooper and combat training Camp McCall in North Carolina, where they practiced landing behind enemy lines, engaging in dangerous maneuvers, and jumping some more from planes. It was perhaps this long training program that kept Chic alive when he finally saw action, although some of his friends who trained with him never survived the war, and some survived but were seriously wounded. Anyway, during the whole time he underwent training, Chic and Lorraine, his wife of less than a year, lived in their own quarters just outside the camp, like other married soldiers did, and this may have been Chic's secret to learning the art of staying alive in the midst of danger. Having someone to come home to somehow sharpens a man's sense of danger and survival, and this made him sensitive to what goes on around him, preventing him from becoming careless (Ambrose). In 1943, Chic was

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Introduction of e-banking service in HSBC plc bank and what is its Essay

Introduction of e-banking service in HSBC plc bank and what is its impact on the functioning model of a Bank - Essay Example The research approach undertakes a specific design that is "the overall strategy chosen to obtain the information required to answer the research question" (Ghauri and GrØnhaug p 47 2002). The research approach will review the types of research design and data collection methods. The research approach is built on logical relations and not just beliefs. Descriptive research is used when the research question is understood (Ghauri and GrØnhaug 2002). In the research approach, the data measurements are dependent on the obtainment of required information and the quality of the information. The outcome of the research, therefore, is dependent on the measurement procedures used in the collection of the data, and this in turn is dependent on the types of data collection (Ghauri and GrØnhaug p 47 2002). This is an important concept of qualitative research, where the description is either inductive or deductive. Inductive research begins with a question and seeks to describe it, and deductive research begins with the problem by working backwards to the answers. Therefore, this research uses the inductive approach to build the theory from the data gathered to explore possible conclusions towards E-banking - Modifications in SCM (Supply Chain Management of the Bank) and Security issues such as Phising & Pharming. The selected research methodology is a descriptive interview with one manager at HSBC Bank in London. This will be a structured interview that focuses on E-banking - Modifications in SCM (Supply Chain Management of the Bank) and Security issues such as Phising&Pharming. Secondary research is to review published materials such as: articles previous researched etc. which would be analysed to gain a broader perspective of the issue. This brings the question of research strategy. Combining the approach as an inductive, qualitative description with a well-established research strategy will allow for a better

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Romeo and Juliet Essay Example for Free

Romeo and Juliet Essay Yesterday evening, terror had struck the streets of Verona when there was a brawl between the Capulets and the Montagues. The end result was two fatalities and one missing person. Tybalt Capulet, nephew of the Lord Capulet’s wife, was allegedly slain by Romeo Montague, son of the great Lord Montague. Mercutio, kin to Prince Escalus, was the other casualty. He was allegedly slain by Tybalt, using Romeo as a shield when trying to break them up. Benvolio, of the Montagues, was an eye-witness to the terrible scene and was interviewed for hid full report on what happened. According to him, Tybalt wanted to fight Romeo, but Romeo declined and tried to mediate the situation also making alleged suggestions that they were related. And Mercutio, who had some violent tendencies, decided that he would fight Tybalt himself. But, in Romeo’s attempt to solve the problem, he got in between the two of them and Tybalt ended up stabbing Mercutio. He died on the spot. Then, Romeo’s anger got the best of him and he killed Tybalt for killing his best friend. Then, he just decided to flee the scene so he wouldn’t get caught. However, Lady Montague had her own side of the story she said â€Å"Benvolio is a Montague; he is not telling the truth. There must have been twenty guys fighting against Tybalt. Romeo must not live! † Lord Montague had said during his interview, â€Å"Romeo and Mercutio were best friends, he was doing what the law would have done to Tybalt, and he killed him. † A few weeks ago, the Prince declared that if he heard of one more fight between the two infamous families, there would be a death sentence. You would think that with this warning, the families would consider changing their violent ways. We got a few comments from the Prince, saying that the families will pay for the unfortunate events of the terrible night and an immediate exile against Romeo was declared. He clearly stated â€Å"If those who kill are given mercy, that’s as much as giving permission for murder. † As for now, our deepest sympathies go out to the kin of the fatalities.

Friday, November 15, 2019

A Comparison of Two Characters in A Rose for Emily and Barn Burning :: comparison compare contrast essays

A Comparison of Two Characters in A Rose for Emily and Barn Burning    In "A Rose for Emily" and "Barn Burning," William Faulkner creates two characters worthy of comparison. Emily Grierson, a recluse from Jefferson, Mississippi, is an important figure in the town, despite spending most of her life in seclusion. On the contrary, Abner Snopes is a loud, fiery-tempered man that most people tend to avoid. If these characters are judged by reputation and outward appearance only, the conclusion would be that Emily Grierson and Abner Snopes are complete opposites. However, despite the external differences, these two characters have surprisingly similar personalities. First of all, Emily Grierson and Abner Snopes have very different backgrounds. Emily Grierson is born to a wealthy family, referred to as the "high and mighty Griersons" (50). She lives in an elegant and large house, rebuilt after the Civil War. Her house is set in the heart of what was once the most elite area of Jefferson. She spends almost all of her life inside this house, coming outside its walls only on rare occasions. Yet the townspeople are always concerned with Miss Emily, as she is the last Grierson. They are interested in what is going on with her, constantly putting together the pieces of her life. However, no matter how much the people piece together the events, few know Miss Emily at all. Upon her death, she is said to be a "fallen monument" (47) because she was so idolized throughout her life. On the contrary, Abner Snopes is at the other end of the social scale. He is in the lowest class. As a tenant farmer, Abner lives a life almost like that of a slave. He works con tinuously from day to day, living with his family in small shacks that "ain't fitten for hawgs"(7). He is itinerant and never has any money. Abner constantly displays his lack of decency and rude manners. He is considered a menace wherever he goes, and no one has any interest in getting to know such a foul and arrogant man. Even though they are at the extreme ends of the social spectrum, Emily Grierson and Abner Snopes have something in common-they are both outsiders in the communities they live in. Colonel Grierson limits the people Miss Emily is allowed to see and to the point that she has no friends or even acquaintances. A Comparison of Two Characters in A Rose for Emily and Barn Burning :: comparison compare contrast essays A Comparison of Two Characters in A Rose for Emily and Barn Burning    In "A Rose for Emily" and "Barn Burning," William Faulkner creates two characters worthy of comparison. Emily Grierson, a recluse from Jefferson, Mississippi, is an important figure in the town, despite spending most of her life in seclusion. On the contrary, Abner Snopes is a loud, fiery-tempered man that most people tend to avoid. If these characters are judged by reputation and outward appearance only, the conclusion would be that Emily Grierson and Abner Snopes are complete opposites. However, despite the external differences, these two characters have surprisingly similar personalities. First of all, Emily Grierson and Abner Snopes have very different backgrounds. Emily Grierson is born to a wealthy family, referred to as the "high and mighty Griersons" (50). She lives in an elegant and large house, rebuilt after the Civil War. Her house is set in the heart of what was once the most elite area of Jefferson. She spends almost all of her life inside this house, coming outside its walls only on rare occasions. Yet the townspeople are always concerned with Miss Emily, as she is the last Grierson. They are interested in what is going on with her, constantly putting together the pieces of her life. However, no matter how much the people piece together the events, few know Miss Emily at all. Upon her death, she is said to be a "fallen monument" (47) because she was so idolized throughout her life. On the contrary, Abner Snopes is at the other end of the social scale. He is in the lowest class. As a tenant farmer, Abner lives a life almost like that of a slave. He works con tinuously from day to day, living with his family in small shacks that "ain't fitten for hawgs"(7). He is itinerant and never has any money. Abner constantly displays his lack of decency and rude manners. He is considered a menace wherever he goes, and no one has any interest in getting to know such a foul and arrogant man. Even though they are at the extreme ends of the social spectrum, Emily Grierson and Abner Snopes have something in common-they are both outsiders in the communities they live in. Colonel Grierson limits the people Miss Emily is allowed to see and to the point that she has no friends or even acquaintances.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

An Essay Plan on the History of High Heels Essay

The aim in this essay plan is to identify classes and gender of high heel shoes. It also aims to construct in cultural terms why high heels has developed and remained a paramount accessory, its reasons why high heels shoes were made, and its representation in both gender. I also intend to frame how man perceives high heels that were worn by woman from the 17th century. Finally, I would present the evolution of high heels as it changes from time to time. Introduction During the late sixteenth century, in Western Europe the appearance of footwear has been established by June Swann’s meticulous research. However, a crucial question surfaced after several improvements were added to the high-heeled shoes. Why do high heels emerge as an item of fashion at that time? I shall also give the complex range of culture from which high heels derived. The discussion on the general impact that high heels have in identity, class and gender shall be explained. The high heels had become a symbol of wealth, style and status worn by men, women and children, of the upper classes. Europeans became interested in these cultures for a range political, social and commercial reason. I shall be using â€Å"Shoes†, a book written by Giorgio Riello and Peter McNeil. In 1533, it was the wedding of Italian born Catherine de Medici with the Duke of Orleans in France that brought high heels in popularity for women. Ladies can thank this forward fashion royal who insisted on having heels made for her in Florence prior to the wedding. The 14-year-old challenged bride set the rage in Paris for the new â€Å"It† shoe. Development The high heel emerged as an exclusively feminine form of footwear by the early eighteenth century and this shift show changes in notions of gender. In the aristocratic society, high heels became objects of scorn when reduced to only a few millimeters as the upper class conformed to a more controlled esthetic favored by the middle class. The reemergence of high heels during the middle century challenged the respectable women on many levels in respect to their confinement. Why does man wear high heels in the past? Since the late 1700s, men’s shoes have had primarily low heels although high heels originated in France as male footwear around 1500. A notable exception is cowboy boots, which continue to sport a taller riding heel. The two-inch Cuban heel features in many styles of men’s boot, but was popularized by Beatle boots, famously worn by the English rock group, The Beatles, which saw the reintroduction of heels for men. In the 1970s, there was also a brief rising in higher-heeled shoes for men. It provides a tantalizing evidence of the private aspects female body in public. Heels are a staple in the chic urban woman’s wardrobe, but this was not always the case. In 1500, it was men, descendants of European nobility, who began to wear heeled shoes in order to keep their feet in stirrups when horseback riding. Although there are some references to heels in history prior to this, this is when it become popularized for men of the courts and the term â€Å"well heeled† came about to suggest being wealthy or able to afford the costly shoes. What does red high heels shoes represents in the 17th century. Since Louis XIV was rather short, he wore heels and soles, which were raised with cork, and were covered with red leather. Until the French Revolution, these red heels and red edged shoes remained a privilege for the French nobility. Madame de Pompadour, Louis XIV’s fashion-loving, trend-setting mistress, fell in love with red a half-century after the Louis who wore the red heels. She moved red from Versailles velvets to simpler cotton and chintz. In her various chateaus, she covered sofas and beds with red-colored stripes and prints. Quote: â€Å"†¦man’s red high heels, while already an established fashion, became a regulated expression of political privilege. † (Riello and Peter McNei 2006). This quote establishes a type of perception heels are giving men wearing them. It means that men in red high heels are being looked up in the society as someone regulated by a political privilege as it usually being wore by men in court and nobility, taking for example King Louis XIV who was the one who established wearing red high heels in court. High heel shoes are believed to have transformative powers to make the women who wear them into the women they seek to be. With a full closet of possibilities, a woman’s fantasies can be worn at will, or kept in reserve for possible future times of need. High heel shoes represent hope. â€Å"†¦The high heel’s popularity among women was related to its ability to present the fiction of a diminutive†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Riello and Peter McNei 2006). This quote is about how these high heels worn by women has affected its semblance in the society. Women maybe of a low class but wearing a high heels has no longer become a necessity but rather a symbol in society depending on how the wearer wants to be perceived. Here I will discuss how women use fashion to influence men through the exploitation of men’s sexual desire. â€Å"†¦ Like false ambition in men, from a love of power. † (Wilson 2005). In this quote, it tries to express that women in heels provokes men sexually and physically. The wearing of high heels treats men’s sexual desire, as women are treated sex symbols in society especially by those who provocatively use high heels as a seduction. The representation of high heels has become increasingly eroticized because the higher the heel the greater the show’s association with sexuality. Fashion photography has linked pornography and high heels as part of an erotic imagery. It also has the capacity to signify values it even shaped and constructed the female status, desirability and self-representation. It does establish only femininity but also sexual allure. The â€Å"flapper† who suggested sexual availability by wearing highs, shockingly short skirts, and make up such as rouge and lipstick, which until the 1920s had been signifiers of prostitution†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Riello and Peter McNei 2006). In the post-modern context of the 1980s, the feminist rejection of fashion started to lose much of its grassroots support. The idea that fashion, specifically sexy shoes, were not simply oppressive but offered pleasure to women became more widely accepted (Gamman 1993). Critics argued that fashion can be an experiment with appearances that challenges cultural meaning. In the early 1980s, this change of heart about high heels perhaps was provoked by counter-cultural street fashion. Moreover, feminist debates about pleasure and female desire, which indirectly changed the way fashion was understood. Western women now claimed they were wearing high heels for themselves and that heels gave them not only height but also power and authority. From a 16th century Italian, high-platform shoe called the chopine, women’s and men’s elevated heels evolved. Practical versions of the chopine, called pattens, made it easier to walk on muddy pathways before the advent of sidewalks and curbs. Because chopines raised both the heel and the toes above the ground, walking was difficult, and so, after two centuries on stilts, the sole was lowered while the heel was left standing. Thus the high-heel was born, an evolutionary hybrid. As technology evolved, shoes also evolved depending on the current needs of women in work and society. The culture of shoes in general affects how women of today are perceived and represented. Some may have been criticized and scorned but I never stopped them from improving according the needs that women are expected to present themselves in public. While some may be conservative, others are a bit provocative and thus reflect the idea of prostitution by the wearer. In the 19th century, high-heeled shoe became the top style to own although Europe brought the new trend for high heels. America was not far behind in becoming of style because in 1888, the first heel factory in the United States opened. Making it unnecessary for women to import their shoes from Paris. Women in the early part of the 20th century favored sensible shoes but in the 1920s, legs and feet were suddenly on display and shoes needed to be as beautiful as they were practical. The women of today believed that wearing high heels makes them more women to themselves than wearing flat shoes because it enhances beauty and personality. In a cultural sense, women of today have earned their power and authority by the stature they pose in the society and these high heels has contributed to that perception. Conclusion To conclude, the cultural changes of shoes affect how the women of today were perceived by the society. Originally, high heels were created for both sexes but women are more empowered to wear high heels than the men do. The kind of impact high heels have on woman and man from the 17th century to now dwells more on the societal functions. Women in the 21st century have more shoe choices than ever before. From athletic wear to high heel, women can choose to wear what they want, even hybrid shoes such as â€Å"heeled† tennis shoes and flip-flops. What is certain is that heels have not disappeared. It continues to evolve and match with the current trends in fashion wear. Dress and shoe should always go along together to match up the affair or the function of the wearer. Some women are even going under the knife to shorten their toes or inject padding into the balls of their feet to allow their feet to fit more comfortably into a pair of stilettos. Though this is already an obsession but the women never stopped from daring into where it would get them physically. While these may be oddities of fashion, they gesture toward an exciting array of fashion choices women have today. The high heels are of different varieties that women could choose depending on their types of confidence level and their position in the society and their financial capabilities as well. Shoes are made not only for comfort but it reflects a much higher degree of sense as it involves culture and history. It presents the issue of high heels as a tool in getting into a privileged world or reflects a negative perception of sexuality. It will now depend on how the wearer shall carry oneself in public, strutting his or her favorite footwear. Works Cited Gamman, Larraine. â€Å"Self-Fashioning, Gender Display, and Sexy Girl Shoes: What’s at Stake—Female Fetishism or Narcissism? † Shari Benstock and Suzanne Ferriss, eds. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press. (1993) Giorgio, R. And Peter, M. , â€Å"Shoes,†, Oxford: Berg. ( 2006) Wilson, Nigel Guy. Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece. New York, New York: Routledge. Retrieved from: http://books. google. com/books? id=-aFtPdh6-2QC. (2005)

Sunday, November 10, 2019

College Success and Personal Responsibility Essay

Honesty is the key component in personal responsibility because it shows that an individual can be trusted with key information or completion of homework assignments. There is a strong belief that one’s word is their bond, meaning what the individual states or a claim is valid and true. Other essential components to personal responsibility are dependability, positive attitudes, and professional competence. Some people say that an individual’s character holds a higher value in personal responsibility over honesty, dependability, or a positive attitude. Everyone will have a different definition regarding what personal responsibility means to them. I would define personal responsibility as honesty, dependability, a positive attitude in every aspect of my life, and professional competence. To even further define what personal responsibility means to me, I would need to explain what the words â€Å"personal† and â€Å"responsible† mean to me. Personal to me means that my actions and materials belong to me. Some examples of personal materials that belong to me are my laptop computer, my car, and my homework assignments. These are things that I have purchased or gifts that have been given to me, however my homework assignments are papers that I have written and not plagiarized. Some examples of my actions would be going back to school, completing tasks at work and going to the gym. These things may be in dollar value or just everyday activities that I do. To me responsibility to means that I have the ability to answer for my actions, knowledge of the possible consequences I could receive for my negative actions, accolades for the positive. As a child I was always taught cause and effect and how my actions would affect myself and others around me. The possible consequence of my action not to pay my monthly car payment is repossession of my vehicle. The long-term effect of such action is not having my own transportation to get to work, school, the gym, or any other locations that I may need to go to or want to go, as well as car insurance getting canceled. When an individual possesses the key elements of personal responsibility, the individual will succeed in areas such as professionalism and academics. Several years ago I took personal responsibility for granted. In my failure to be honest and dependable with my finances and health, I struggled and suffered greatly. In the early part of 2002, someone asked me, â€Å"Where did I think I would be at in my life 10 years from now†? I responded to them I do not know. Over the next several years I had allowed others to dictate to my finances, my personal belongings, and even my health. Yes, when you do not have a sense of personal responsibility, everything in your life becomes compromised. The first steps in taking responsibility is stop blaming others and accept that it is up to me to do better (â€Å"Taking personal responsibility,† 2011). Once I stopped blaming others for the downfalls in my life and started owning up to my own actions, I was better able to fully understand what personal responsibility was and what I needed to do. Because I took an active stand toward personal responsibility I was able to improve my finances, health, and other aspects of my life. You may be wondering how professional competence relates to personal responsibility. Professional competence is the ability to understand varied concepts and ideas and also be capable to accomplish tasks (whether school assignments or career tasks on the job) with little or no supervision (University of Phoenix, 2012). By applying professional competence in your academics you will exemplify high moral values in completing class assignments. You will show yourself, instructors, and employers that you have taken the time to do your own work to your utmost ability, and that you can develop new ideas on how to solve not only everyday problems but also new problems as well. The rewards that will be acquired in having personal responsibility and college success are unlimited. Some examples of the reward that go with personal responsibility and college success is completion of my degree program, earning a degree, or a plus is earning a degree with honors, and having the ability to apply the knowledge of my degree in my career field. Personal responsibility does not just apply to academic success; it also applies to career and general success. Gaining and maintaining college success is not only grades and attendance, but it does play a huge part in academic success. It also includes participation in class, group, and forum discussions and dedicating yourself to do your very best when completing assignments in an ethical and competent manner. According to the Quick hints, study tips for college success article published by the Miami Times â€Å"Studies show that students who study often and read their textbooks thoroughly earn better grades.† (â€Å"Quick hints, study tips for college success,† 2005). A student, who demonstrates personal responsibility in college, will gain administrative support from the university staff and instructor when it is needed and maybe even letters of recommendation. An employee who demonstrates personal responsibility in their career may receive bonuses for jobs well done, promotions into higher positions, and letters of recommendation. There are several methods I would use to maintain my personal responsibilities in my academic career. My top methods include maintaining a schedule, reading all material, arriving to class and team meetings on time, by seeking help through various resources, completing all work assignments in a timely and honest manner, and asking questions in class on material that I do not understand. Other methods may include â€Å"Create a good learning space, free from distraction; Take notes in text; and Return to the beginning and repeat the process† (â€Å"Quick hints, study tips for college success,† 2005). All these methods when combined, will not only help me in my education but also in my career by improving my knowledge of work given, meeting scheduled deadlines, meetings scheduled for specific times, and working as a trustworthy employee. Personal responsibility is more than honesty; it is dependability, positive attitudes, and professional competence. These factors are not just limited to academic success but also career and personal success in multiple aspects of your life. They can be used as guidelines for various learning and promotions in self and team enrichment. Therefore, personal responsibility has both positive and negative effects to yourself and those around you. By exemplifying high moral values in personal responsibility you will achieve success in everything you do. References Quick hints, study tips for college success. (2005, October). Miami Times, 83(7), 3B. Retrieved from Taking personal responsibility. (2011, September). The Daily Gleaner. Retrieved from University of Phoenix. (2012). Professional Competence. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, Gen200-Foundations for General Education and Professional Success website.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Advancement of Human Rights from 1865 to Present

Advancement of Human Rights from 1865 to Present The Civil rights movement started back, when the Supreme Court passed a ruling that African Americans were neither free nor regarded as citizens, but it was later overruled in the Civil Rights Act in 1866. The issue of slavery was finally abolished in 1865, and took effect in December. The Thirteenth Amendment of the constitution of the United States did this. This period marked an accomplishment of eliminating racial barriers and slavery. This later led to the vast transformation of the cultural, political and social life in America.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Advancement of Human Rights from 1865 to Present specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More When civil rights movement is mentioned, Martin Luther King Jr. comes to mind. This is because of his soul stirring speech of ‘I Have a Dream’, at the capital of the nation. The gruesome memory of that day is the photograph of four schoolchildren murdered by a b omb that went off in a church, while attending Sunday school. This was because of white back lashing, which portrayed the civil rights movement. Most people think that the civil rights movement began in the fifties, but in the actual sense, it started when Africans were brought to America. Those who fought the abolishment of slavery and equality laid the groundwork for the civil rights movement. After the Thirteenth Amendment, which eradicated slavery, the blacks were finally free but were illiterate and had no money or property. Additionally, inequality and racism were widespread in the South where slavery was predominant. This would assist the assimilation of blacks into the white dominated society. For instance, the14th Amendment assured the blacks of equality, whereas the 15th amendment approved voting rights. These measures however were short lived, especially in the south where the whites were a majority. They used various means to stop the blacks from enjoying their newly fou nd rights. Racist groups like Ku Klux Klan (KKK) used even more horrifying methods like executing those who pushed for advancing their rights. The already passed amendments faded away slowly and in addition, the Supreme Court, in 1896, passed a law that stated the whites and blacks could be separated legally, as long as facilities were equal. However, these facilities were never equal. This issue of separate but equal gave the whites an upper hand to prevent the blacks from enjoying their rights as American citizens. The white supremacy in the South gave rise to the Jim Crow. This was the law of the South where everything in the area was separated. By 1900, black leaders responded to these laws, which had expanded to all areas of public life. They came up with political strategies to fight racial inequalities and injustice. One of the key players for the early civil rights movement was W.E.B Du Bois, who supported and urged African Americans to fight for equality. Part of his crusad e led to the formation of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). During WW1, many of blacks joined the army but were put in different units from the whites. However, the migration to the North increased unemployment and other issues that had already crippled the north, and racial issues still went on. During the Second World War, the blacks were also subjected to discrimination in the military units and defense industries, in spite of their will to fight for their country. This later resulted to a course of black protests, which brought the Jim Crow under national inquiry.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In the fifties, two incidents sparked the civil rights movement again. The NAACP won the case of segregation in public schools, and the incident in Montgomery, of Rosa Parks, where she was later arrested. In protest to her arrest, the blacks bo ycotted and the black activists took advantage of the situation, and drew attention to their cause. This was when Martin Luther King Jr. became active. He established and piloted a resistance movement that disputed the laws of the racists. The Montgomery boycott lasted for more than a year, until in 1956, where the federal court unified the issue. This boycott was important because it overpowered the explicit law of Jim Crow, which had oppressed the blacks. Martin Luther then became the leader of the movement, and his non-violent approach would characterize the civil rights movement, which inspired a large participation by blacks, as well as the whites. Between 1950 and 1960, the civil rights movement had some success. Community based projects fought the barriers, which prevented the blacks from voting, whereas others targeted the terrorism by the whites, as they continued with their intimidation. During this period, Martin Luther was jailed, and his letter from jail got him the sup port of many whites who were sympathetic. As the demonstrations from the black community flared, President Kennedy addressed the nation, showing his alliance with the cause for the civil rights. He came up with a legislation that banned separation and increased protection of civil rights for everyone. King and other activists planned the march on Washington. The aim of this gathering was to enhance economic prowess for the African Americans. This is where King delivered his famous speech of ‘I Have a Dream’. This gave hope to the blacks, but it soon dwindled, following the shooting of President Kennedy. In the mid sixties, the activitists had started losing hope in the civil rights because the mandates of the courts were not granted immediately, and this left the blacks crippled politically and economically. Malcom X rose to stardom during this period. However, he did not comply with Martin’s non-violence advocacy, instead he urged the blacks to fight for their r ights by any means necessary (Revolutionary view). The death of Martin Luther, in 1968 was the last stroke to the already crippled movement. The civil rights movement no doubt left a mark on the society. The most explicit forms of discrimination came to a stop and the violence reduced. The blacks were given public offices, and millions have economic freedom. Minority groups found motivation in these movements, and started their own human rights movements. However, the equality fight is still far from over, because the blacks still struggle to share the same freedom as the whites enjoy. On the brighter side, it changed the attitude of many, and at least gave hope that the dream of an equal and fair America, if not a reality, has at least some possibility.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Advancement of Human Rights from 1865 to Present specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Humor Can Help Create Memorable Anniversaries

Humor Can Help Create Memorable Anniversaries Remember the first time you met your husband? Remember your first date with him? Or the time you spent together, frolicking on the beach? You may have had many such pleasurable moments together, but do you celebrate these occasions? You may remember your wedding day as if it had happened yesterday, but have you spared some time recollecting this beautiful day with your spouse? Thats what anniversaries are for. An anniversary is a grand celebration of lifes important milestones. It is a thoughtful way to acknowledge your love for your sweetheart or your dear ones. Marriage anniversaries are also the perfect excuse to throw a big bash and have your friends and family fuss over you. Consider birthdays. Right from the two-year-old toddler to the 80-year-old grandmother, everyone enjoys birthday celebrations. It is a special day to celebrate your entry into this world. You are happy to be alive and surrounded by loved ones, so why not share the happiness? Now, consider death anniversaries. Though it will not be a joyous celebration, you do honor the life of a loved one who enriched your life with happiness, companionship, and love. You reminisce their small gestures of affection and the nostalgic moments spent together, and you pray for their soul. This is also a form of celebration. Death makes one realize how important life is. In short, anniversaries are important celebrations. You cant afford to forget them. When you celebrate anniversaries, you express your love to your dear ones. Every Anniversary Has a Special Meaning Each anniversary year has a special significance, and it is symbolized by special materials. For instance, the first anniversary is denoted by paper. The  25th anniversary celebration is symbolized with silver, and hence friends and family members give silver articles as anniversary gifts. The 50th anniversary is a golden jubilee celebration, and as part of the tradition, gold items are gifted to the celebrating family. Anniversaries Represent the Journey One Has Traveled Anniversaries mark the passage of years, but they also reveal the emotional journey people undergo. In the first few years of marriage, many couples go through a challenging period of adjustment and turbulence. Some marriages survive the choppy ride, while a few marriages collapse even before the first anniversary. Couples often have doubts and apprehensions about their relationship. However, love keeps the couple bonded. Over years, couples understand each other and learn to adjust. As time goes by, couples even tend to take each other for granted. The ardent courtship is replaced by friendliness, and passion takes a back seat. Love becomes secondary; family and career take precedence. Anniversaries are gentle reminders for couples to review the milestones they reached together. Anniversaries are also occasions for couples to renew their commitment to each other. Death Anniversaries Remind Us of Our Dear Ones The first few years after the death of a dear one are especially traumatic. Readjustment after the demise of a loved one is difficult and painful. However, time is a great healer. When you seek to move on, seek solace from soothing words and memories. Life teaches us to enjoy every moment and make the most of it. Anniversaries Help Build Relationships Anniversaries remind you that relationships are special. They bring us closer to our near and dear ones and enrich our lives. When you celebrate your wedding anniversary, you express love and respect for your spouse. You strengthen your commitment to honor and cherish your vows. You also acknowledge each others contribution to making your marriage successful. Funny Anniversary Quotes Add Zing to Your Relationships Humor is like a breath of fresh air. With humor, you can rejuvenate your relationship. Humor helps you to win hearts. Your funny quotes will help thaw indifference and warm up those who are close to you. With funny anniversary quotes, you can shake off the lethargy and spice up your love life. William M. ThackerayI never know whether to pity or congratulate a man on coming to his senses.Grace HansenA wedding is just like a funeral except that you get to smell your own flowers.H. L. MenckenBachelors know more about women than married men; if they didnt, theyd be married too.Ronald ReaganA hippie is someone who looks like Tarzan, walks like Jane and smells like Cheetah.Mae WestA hard man is good to find.Jimmy CarterIve often wanted to drown my troubles, but I cant get my wife to go swimming.Mae WestLook your best who said love is blind?Compton MackenzieLove makes the world go round? Not at all. Whiskey makes it go round twice as fast.Oscar WildeBy persistently remaining single a man converts himself into a permanent public temptation.H. L. MenckenHappiness is the china shop; love is the bull.Mae WestLove thy neighbor - and if he happens to be tall, debonair and devastating, it will be that much easier.H. L. MenckenA man may be a fool and not know it, but not if he is marrie d. Kimberly BroylesAdam and Eve had an ideal marriage. He didn’t have to hear about all the men she could have married, and she didn’t have to hear about the way his mother cooked.Groucho MarxMarriage is the chief cause of divorce.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Eliminating sugar content from foods and replace with miracle berry Essay

Eliminating sugar content from foods and replace with miracle berry - Essay Example Therefore, there are needs to reduce sugar intakes into the body (seems to be impossible especially among children) or introduce an alternative sugar (sweetener) that will not subject the body to these health risks. According to the USDA documents, the consumption of sugar have since increased by 19%, from 1970 to 2005. This statistics indicates that, on average, a person consumes 140 pounds of sugar per year or 30 teaspoons per day. This value is inclusive sugar taken up by the body from different kinds of foods especially the processed foods. The same study revealed that the consumption of corn syrup per person increased by 387% within the same period (Rada, Avena, and Hoebel, 2005). The increased consumption of sugar is largely associated with the increased consumption of the processed foods. Nearly all processed foods contain sugar since sugar is added into these foods as sweetener. Notably, miracle berry, which is noted to be 400,000 times sweeter and healthier than sugar should be used as alternative food sweetener in food processing (Public Health England, 2015). Different research works have indicated that the miracle berry can be used as normal sugar and can be processed into different forms; hence, can as well be used in processing different foods (Inglett and Chen, 2011). Therefore, to reduce or completely eliminate health risks associated with the intake of sugar, all the concern stakeholders should advocate for the elimination of sugar content from foods and replace with healthier miracle berry sweetness. Chen, C., Wu, P., Huang, T., Lin, C., Li, Y., Chou, R., Chang, H., & Wang, H., (2009). The Sour Taste-Modifying Protein (Miraculin), Tyrosinase Inhibitors and Antioxidants from Synsepalum dulcificum. Current Nutrition & Food Sciences. 5. Du, L., Shen, Y., Zhang, X., Prinyawiwatkul, W., & Xu, Z., (2014). Antioxidant-rich phytochemicals in miracle berry

Friday, November 1, 2019

Mexican War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mexican War - Essay Example ico was becoming quite nervous about the number of Americans migrating into California, since they had no desire to go through another annexation such as Texas had been (Heidler and Heidler 48) It was also the belief of most politicians at the time, including President James K. Polk to achieve Manifest Destiny which stated that it was the wish of God to have all of the land under one government, from the Eastern coast of the Atlantic Ocean to the Western Coast of California (Heidler and Heidler 143). Between the wish to have the land of Texas under the flag of the United States, as well as the philosophy of Manifest Destiny, the United States declared and entered a war with Mexico in order to gain new land to add to the United States and achieve the dream of a coast-to-coast United States. Though Mexico and the United States had never been friends, the annexation of Texas in 1845 was a major blow to Mexico. Upon learning that Texas had, in fact, been annexed, Mexico banished the American ambassador and cut all diplomatic ties to the United States (Mintz, Moores, and Moores). Though the attempts made by Mexico to retake Texas in 1842 had been unsuccessful, they still refused to recognize the authority of Texas as a separate nation, holding out the hope that they could indeed retake the country (as it was then thought of) that had originally been part of Mexico (Mintz, Moores, and Moores). The United States offered Mexico $5 million to recognize the border of Texas as the Rio Grande River, rather than the Nueces River 130 miles northeast(Mintz, Moores, and Moores). The United States also offered up to an additional $5 million for the territory of New Mexico, and an additional proposal offering up to $25 million for the land of California (Mintz, Moores, and Moores). The Mexicans refused any and all offers due to their anger over the loss of Texas (Mintz, Moores, and Moores). Despite attempts to preserve peace, it was soon felt that war was the only

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Kindle Fire Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Kindle Fire - Research Paper Example The decisions made by consumers are affected by this behavior and this is the reason why Kindle Fire will be marketed successfully under the behavioral segment. This approach has increased the Kindle fire sales made over the years. The rocketing sales are also controlled by the demand and supply forces such that when demand on Kindle Fire declines, the Amazon’s sales are drastically affected. Evaluation Under the behavioral approach of segmentation, the customers will be divided under various segments. Consumers will be evaluated based on their usage rate, the benefits gained, loyalty and occasion in which they use Kindle Fire. There are various ways of growing a business. The first method is as aforementioned; to attract new customers and the second way is to retain the already existing customers. For Kindle Fire to continue existing in the market, Amazon has to maintain a strong customer base (Cheshire, 2012). This is only through customer dependability. Customer loyalty is targeted as one of the behavioral approaches of consumers. The strategies applied to maintain the Kindle Fire’s loyal customers are different from those that are used in attracting new customers. Customer loyalty is hence one of the techniques of determining customers under the behavioral segmentation. ... It will be easier to identify the customer who needs change the product more often than one who does not use one so often. The other way in which Kindle buyers can be segmented according to their behavior is by identifying those who buy on occasions. Freytag and Clarke’s (2001) argument is that buying on occasion is under behavioral segmentation because the customer is likely to target the holidays and festivities when companies come up with offers at discounted prices. Such a customer base may be large since most people tend to save a lot of money for their holidays and festivities. Segmenting the Kindle Fire customer according to the benefits he or she gains is also another way of evaluating the customer’s behavior towards the product. While Kindle’s competitors, such as Google Nexus and the laptops, have their own benefits, some customers may still look for the benefits they gain from Kindle Fire tablets that they cannot get from its competitors. One of the be nefits attained from the Kindle Fire tablet and not laptops is that it is easier to transport the Kindle from one point to the other as compared to laptops. A laptop is heavier as compared to the tablet. The Kindle tablet is also beneficial to clients who are always online for business purposes or projects. The other advantage of Kindle Fire over other digital gadgets is that it easily usable in the education industry (Cheshire, 2012). This can be fused with good pricing, 24hr customer support and customization of devices for customers in order to be able to stay competitive in the market. This means using a break-up strategy where the prices are favorable as compared to other devices and being able to pack devices as per the specification of customers.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Influence from Mexican and Puerto Ricans in the Us Culture Essay Example for Free

Influence from Mexican and Puerto Ricans in the Us Culture Essay The U. S. culture has been saturated with Mexican and Puerto Rican influences. Influence is defined as a cognitive factor that tends to have an effect on what you do. I believe most of the influences are good but there are also some that are bad. The two major influences that will be brought up would be the influence of human creativity and violence. Puerto Ricans had a unique blend of human creativity. â€Å"Fueled by that political awakening, a cultural renaissance emerged among Puerto Rican artists. † By the 1960’s salsa music began to emerge. Puerto Ricans rooted this category of music especially in the New York area. Fania Records became the dominant record label in the early salsa music scene. Juan Gonzalez mentioned artist such as Eddie and Charlie Palmieri, Willie Colon and Ray Barretto. They provoked with there politically charged lyrics. It also sprang up writers such as Piri Thomas and Nicholasa Mohr mentioned by Juan Gonzalez. Piri Thomas was born in the Spanish Harlem section of Manhattan and is known for his best seller autobiography â€Å"Down These Mean Streets†pg63 and describes his struggle having Puerto Rican heritage. Nicholasa Mohr her works also told of the difficulties of growing up in Puerto Rican communities in the New York area. As more Puerto Rican came to into the States a big clash of racial identity rose. Black and White was a struggle in itself then Brown came in to the mix it mad things twist. â€Å"A dwindling tax base, brought about by the flight of industry and skilled white workers to the suburbs, massive disinvestment by government in public schools and infrastructure, and the epidemics of drug and alcohol abuse, all tore at the quality of city life†Pg 64. Lack of investment in the infrastructure and public schools by the government was a major contributor to this especially since most did not know how to speak English and the teachers did not know how to translate to the students. â€Å"The third generation of Puerto Ricans, those who came of age in the late 1980s and early 1990s, found themselves crippled by inferior schools, a lack of jobs, and underfunded social services. They found their neighborhoods inundated with drugs and violence. They grew up devoid, for the most part, of self-image, national identity, or cultural awareness. They became the lost generation. †Pg63 Mexicans also had there share of influencial human creativity. Mexicans are known for developing corrido music. They were smart about this music though because they were used to inform. They had dates names warnings and some were stories of crime or love. † The average corrido was usually so filled with dates, names, and factual details that it functioned not only as entertainment but also as a news report, historical narrative, and commentary for the mass of Mexicans who were still illiterate†. pg124. To change up the creativity from the arts to a more meaningful influence would be the founding of MAYO and no not the one you eat but Mexican American Youth Organization. This was intended to protect the civil rights of Mexican Americans. â€Å"One of the most influential groups to arise during the period was the Mexican American Youth Organization (MAYO), founded in San Antonio by Willie Velazquez, a young community organizer for the Catholic Bishop’s Committee on the Spanish Speaking, and Crystal City’s Jose Angel Gutierrez. †pg 69. Mexicans have been picked on for decades and are still being hated upon. What was heavily impacted were schools and nothing was done about it. MAYO staged school walk outs to gain power. These acts would allow them to earn seats on school boards which in turn allowed them to participate in deciding what was best for their own people. In turn violence also was majorly influence. The US culture was raised to hate Mexicans. † Once the Great Depression hit and unemployment surged among whites, though, not even Mexicans who spoke fluent English escaped the anti-immigrant hysteria. More than 500,000 were forcibly deported during the 1930s, among them many who were U. S. citizens. † Speaking spanish a lot of times was a burden for mexicans which made them targets since most that all they spoke. To conclude Puerto Ricans and Mexicans have influenced the US culture. It still hasn’t stopped it continues to. More than likely it will still influence for many more years to come. They have been put down but they come right back up and stronger. They have given a lot to stop and to soak in many years of heritage. So go dance to some salsa or sing a corrido for a change.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Invisible Man Essay: Puppet or Puppeteer? :: Invisible Man Essays

Invisible Man: Puppet or Puppeteer? Â   Â   One could argue that we are all merely puppets, or dolls, doomed to dance by invisible strings - never realizing who pulls the strings. Ralph Ellison's novel, The Invisible Man is fraught with images of dolls as if to constantly reminded the reader that no one is in complete control of their life. Â   The first example of doll imagery comes very early in the novel with the Battle Royal scene. The nude, blonde woman is described as having hair "that was yellow like that of a circus kewpie doll" (19). Ellison draws a very strong connection between the plight of the Negro man and the white woman. The fact that they are both shown as puppets or dolls in the work is no coincidence. The woman and the African are merely show pieces for the white men in the novel. Â   Tod Clifton's dancing Sambo dolls are the most striking example of doll imagery. This small tissue paper doll has the capability to completely change the Invisible Man. When he sees that the powerful and enigmatic Clifton is the one hawking the abominable dolls, the narrator is so filled with humiliation and rage that he spits upon the dancing figure. But what is it that has caused this surging of fury? It is Tod Clifton and not the narrator who has degraded himself to such a base level. However, it is our narrator's sudden comprehension of his own situation that causes his wrath. The line "For a second our eyes met and he gave me a contemptuous smile" (433) illustrates this moment of realization for our narrator. It shows the reader that Tod Clifton was aware of his position as a puppet all along and chooses to enlighten the narrator at this particular point in the novel. Â   The Invisible Man recognizes that all his life he's been a slave and a puppet to others. Whether those others were Bledsoe, his grandfather, or the brotherhood is irrelevant, but there has always been and imperceptible string attached to him governing everything he does. Not only a string but his own physical characteristics echo those of the grotesque Sambo dolls. Â   It's cardboard hands were clenched into fists. The fingers outlined in orange paint, and I noticed that it had two faces, one on either side of the disks of cardboard, and both grinning.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Project Shakti Case Questions

Project Shakti case questions With the advantages and benefits HLL attained from the market strategy in competing with the other FMCG companies in urban area while facing the intense situations of shrinking market shares brought by its rivals emulating the market strategy, HLL experienced a hard time of scaling up its attractiveness in products. After gaining the temporary increased sales, the competitors in rural marketing aggregate again. Increasing numbers of companies, heating up competition force HLL to struggle a way to explore a new less competitive market and extend its sales.Project Shakti initiates under such sharp condition. It weighs the special situation in rural India. Scattered villages and poor transportation stumbling HLL products being reached by its customers; low accessibility and educational level are the results of less consciousness of products and brands. The demands in rural area are limited. Project Shakti is generated to justify the disadvantages. It has tw o objectives when it was born. One relates to business that is to extend HLL’s reach into the untapped markets and improve its brands and products awareness among customers in that area.The other involves social factors, which is aiming at creating a sustainable livelihood opportunities for underprivileged rural women. That means women will be involved in operating their own enterprises by themselves. Moreover, this project builds up a bridge of communications among women and entrepreneurship, brands and customers, technology from urban to rural, backward lifestyle and modern lifestyle, short-term economic growth and long-term sustainable strategy.For the sake of business growth, forming small groups (Self-helped Group) and select one to invest in business is easy to manage, organize and operate, which is also profitable and no need to take too much risks. It targets the segment of rural women because it can easily access to potential customers since women are the mainstream of household purchasing. By directly selling the products, customers know about the brand including the attributes, reputations of consuming, service; seller (female operator) will be able to attain more profits aside from cheaper supply.Besides, female customers also have the opportunities to understand how does the project work, which might encourage them to join in. HLL decides to introduce the RSP system to coach women how to create and grow viable business is a creative action of sustaining both the business and women’s belief and confidence. This approach actually provides a platform of specifically doing a marketing research, knowing about customers’ preferences, purchasing ability, potential sales, market size, helping to explore new market and segment.Utilizing the project as a communication program. This move no longer need to hired anyone to coach entrepreneur, instead, the entrepreneur itself initiates the communications with customers within a supported br and among rural communities. They present products through many means, passing the products information to customers at different educational levels. It is the easiest and most direct way to generate contacts between consumers and products.This strategy modifies their living styles and improves the quality of life, spreading awareness of health and hygiene practices in rural India. It also energizes the products growth in category and enlarges its market. Introducing technology brings the increasing numbers in accessibility of their products. iShakti is another efficient communication between entrepreneur and distribution, entrepreneur and outlets, entrepreneur and company, entrepreneur and customers, entrepreneur and stockiest, entrepreneurs, customers and brands, customers and products, etc.It is a window to look outside and inside due to the poor conditions of transportations in rural India. It is convenient for entrepreneur to manage products information. This creative action im proves the operating efficiency. However, the costs are too expensive and would drag iShakti away from being scalable and sustainable. Though the project Shakti has negative impact on temporary shortage of money, such in the brand supported communication programs, more costs in setting up additional technological portals, the way its social image builds and brands pread indicating that the project has a very huge potentials in gaining more market share, and grows sustainably in the long run. It is no longer a simple products they sell, but products deliver a belief, a conception and an idea that women are not a group of people who only concentrate on dealing with house chores and taking care of husband and children. The products also build an image for all rural women that they could also fulfill their dreams and completely have the ability to operate their own business.It brings confidence and belief that make them realize their value of living. The project Shakti successfully incr eases sales and enlarges its market, both financially and socially impacts lives in rural India. The profits it brings not only on the behalf of its own, but also benefits women who responsible for the entrepreneur, and customers living in rural India. It changes the way of viewing themselves and values in life.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Cultural Frame Essay Picasso

Evaluate the view that art reflects the social values of a particular time and place. â€Å"Painting isn’t an aesthetic operation; it’s a form of magic designed as a mediator between this strange, hostile world and us, a way of seizing the power by giving form to our terrors as well as our desires† this quote by Pablo Picasso allows the audience to delve deeper into his emotions and what has finally persuaded Picasso to enter the art world. Art reflects the social values of a particular time and place; this can be seen throughout many of Picasso’s artworks throughout time, and how he and his techniques have changed over the period of his career.Pablo Picasso was one of the twentieth century’s most famous artists. Picasso was born in Spain in 1881 and died in South France aged 92. During his life time Picasso had an enormous impact on the Western Art world. Guernica is a grey, black and white painting which reaches 3. 5 meters tall and 7. 8 meters wi de. The painting shows images of people and animals suffering as well as buildings destroyed by the violence and chaos. The painting is depicted within a room where there are animals and people all over the place, at an open end on the left a bull can be seen standing over a woman who is grieving over a lost child.The centre of the painting is occupied by a horse that is falling as it has just been struck. Picasso’s art work Guernica is one of the most well-known artworks he has completed; created in 1937 this picture depicts an image responding to the bombing of Guernica by the Germans and Italians during the Spanish Civil War. Throughout the work of Guernica we see images which connect Picasso to his homeland, Spain. One of Spain’s most well known icons is the use of the bull; the bull is seen as a brave animal and is used often as a symbol of struggle, courage and victory.Bulls have been seen throughout a number of Picasso’s works as they have close relations to his past, since his childhood he has loved the figure of the bull and has used it in many images throughout his career. Picasso uses the use of the bombing in Guernica as the main theme of his artwork, using history in his art making. Throughout Picassos painting career he went through a number of periods, Picasso’s Blue period (1900 – 1904) shows a time when Picasso painted mostly in shades of blue, these works were inspired by Spain even though they were painted in Paris.These works all seemed to reflect Picasso’s experience with relative poverty and instability. Picasso’s blue period represents him at a time when he was dealing with his depression after the shocking death of his friend, although he was not there to witness this event it still had a large impact on Picasso, the drama from this event emerged throughout several of his works. One of Picasso’s early works from his Blue Period was the Blue Nude created in 1902; this painting is a part of his blue period, it shows the talent that Picasso possesses as it still managed to highlight deep feelings with the use of only one colour pallet.Blue Nude depicts the image of a woman who is sitting with her back towards us holding her knees as if she is in the search for security and comfort. These artworks allow the audience to have a deeper understanding on how Picasso has changed over the course of his art life and how issues have impacted him on his painting styles and techniques. Picasso has used his memories and feelings in his art making to show the deeper meaning of society, throughout his blue period he painted a lot of the real, raw people of Paris (e. g. prostitutes, beggars and drunks) which shows what influenced him at the time.Another one of Picasso’s artworks is Bullfight: Death of the Toreador this artwork shows a clear indication to how Picasso has progressed and moved though his periods. The artwork is full of colour and incorporates his love of bu llfighting. Picasso often painted bullfights which were held on Sundays when he was unable to attend them. Interestingly this work was not painted in his home town, Spain, but painted in Paris. The painting depicts a grey house in a panicking state, the horse is painted with heavy brushstrokes which show a tonal contrast which enhances the moment we see the bullfighter’s death.The grey tones used on the horse makes the horse less obvious to the viewing audience. The presents of the horse and the man is taken up by the mass of red cape which twirls in between the bull and the fighter. The colour in this painting creates a powerful scene of energy, violence and death. This picture shows an influence to the Spanish culture, as mentioned before, the bull is an important part of the Spanish culture, the bull represents struggle, courage and victory, bull fighting was seen as a way to prepare for the war.By including the bull fighting scene in this artwork Picasso has added somethi ng which is important to him and his cultural background. Art reflects the social values of a particular time and place, Picasso show’s this through a number of his works. He has emphasised his values towards his culture by the symbols he uses in his artworks to make them personal (e. g. the bull and the use of blue tones) the personalisation of his works enable us to have a greater understanding of the message Picasso is trying to convey to the audience.