Saturday, November 23, 2019

salem witches essays

salem witches essays There have been many books and papers written about the Witches of Salem. There are also many web sites that have excellent stories written about what happened in Salem. Unfortunately, our history books do not elaborate on this period of history. There have also been several movies created about the Salem Witches, some are accurate, most are dramatized. If you want to delve into this era, you will find it most fascinating. The different accounts, some true and some false, make fantastic reading. If you want to know more about this time period you will have to seek information on the web sites or read books that have been written. It will be hard to determine what is true. The two web sites picked for this course are both very interesting. I believe the first site,, is more of a tourist site. It has many interesting articles and facts but it leaves you wanting more, hence, you should visit Salem. The second site,, has much more to offer the avid reader. The site has many interesting facts but does not really elaborate on the time of the trials. They have a lot of information about modern day witches and what they do and believe in. They have many places listed for you to visit and some great pictures of the burial grounds and the witch houses. There is a chronology of the events leading to the trials but I feel that it is very sketchy. If I were to visit Salem this site would be most useful, it is informative to the tourist. The site is very interesting. While I believe both sites to be factual this one had so much more. I was able to read the transcripts of the trials and look at the maps of old Salem. I did not realize how far spread this so called epidemic was. I found the transcript of Increase Mather most interesting and more factual than others I have read. I read all of the Salem Witchcraft Papers offered on ...

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