Thursday, December 26, 2019

Analysis Of Mrs. Dalloway - 1298 Words

Walt Whitman’s poem When I heard the Learn’d Astronomer shows a moment which captures the beauty of self-reliance and non-conformity. In the poem, the speaker listens to a lecturer who speaks about astronomy through calculations and measurements. Being sick and tired of the lecture, the speaker wanders off outside to see the stars for himself and becomes struck in awe of the physical beauty of the stars. He also regains peace within himself after finding a new outlet for understanding. This idea of non-conformity being a precursor to self-actualization and inner-peace similarly resonates in Virginia Woolf’s novel Mrs. Dalloway. The portrayal Clarissa Dalloway and Septimus Smith are both examples in the novel that show the negative consequences of conformity. In the beginning lines of the poem, the speaker begins to tell an anecdote about a time he heard a â€Å"learn’d astronomer†. The man is perceived to be highly intelligent and specifically inves ted in the study of astronomy. However, Whitman contracts the word â€Å"learned†, presenting a plain voice that contrasts to the revered sophistication of the astronomer (Whitman 1). This ironic use of tone could be used in order to make fun of the astronomer, despite being a well-educated man and a master of astronomy. Continuing on, the astronomer presents his mathematical â€Å"proofs†, â€Å"ranged in columns† by using â€Å"figures† and the â€Å"charts and diagram† (2-3). The speaker at this point hears the lecture as a list of randomShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Virginia Woolfs Mrs. Dalloway1756 Words   |  8 PagesIt is itself doubtable that Virginia Woolf’s 1925 novel Mrs. Dalloway would or even could exist, as we know it today, without T.S. Eliot’s 1922 poem The Waste Land – but what’s near-certain to me now is that Woolf may not have ever even written the character of Septimus Warren Smith, had she not read E liot’s poem first. 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