Saturday, January 11, 2020

Clothing Store Businnes

————————————————- Outline Clothing Store Business Topic Clothing Store Thesis Statement Designing a clothing store business could be a good opportunity for both consumer and owner. Body 1. Consumer a. Human’s basic needs b. Human’s fashion needs c. Existence 2. Owner d. Enjoyable job e. Trendsetter f. High profit Introduction People need cloth. Cloth is used to meet human’s basic needs. It is also can indicate people’s personality, because every people is free to decide what they want to be like.However, most people personally judge others based on what they wore. In other word, cloth is one of the things that determine people’s social status. This phenomenon is a big business opportunity. When people need cloth then there must be others who can satisfy that need. Clothing store is the perfect solution for businessman to meet peopleâ€℠¢s need of cloth. In addition to get an enjoyable job, businessman can also get high profits. So, designing a clothing store business could be a good opportunity for both consumer and owner. ConclusionTo sum up, designing clothing store is, indeed, a good opportunity for both consumer and owner. For the consumer, clothing store is a place where they can meet one of their basic and fashion needs. It also can show people’s social status and their existence. For the owner, designing clothing store is an enjoyable job that could make them become a trendsetter and get high profit. Essay Clothing Store Business People need clothes. Cloth is used to meet human’s basic needs. It is also can indicate people’s personality, because every people is free to decide what they want to be like.However, most people personally judge others based on what they wore. In other word, cloth is one of the things that determine people’s social status. This phenomenon is a big busin ess opportunity. When people need cloth then there must be others who can satisfy that need. Clothing store is the perfect solution for businessman to meet people’s need of cloth. In addition to get an enjoyable job, businessman can also get high profits. So, designing a clothing store business could be a good opportunity for both consumer and owner.People have a lot of needs that must be fulfilled. But only some of them cannot be deferred. People’s need that must be met is called human’s basic needs. Manfred Max-Neef, Chilean economist-environmentalist and mainly known for his human development model, call it â€Å"Fundamental Human Needs†. He classifies the fundamental human needs as subsistence, protection, affection, understanding, participation, leisure, creation, identity, and freedom. In the first row of fundamental human needs listed the subsistence.It means the parts of subsistence needs are the most important needs. One of the parts of subsisten ce needs is a cloth. Clothing needs exist from the need to protect the body from climate and weather conditions. However, now clothes are not only considered as a human’s basic need, but also as an identity and social’s status. Clothes are a fashion. People love fashion and be fashionable. Fashion makes an important contribution to society. It creates jobs and products that satisfy fundamental human needs. A fashion piece cannot in itself create sustainability.This is created by the way in which people design, make, wear, discard and reincarnate it. People need to design in a way that means that they engage in fashion in a way that is sustainable. Center for Sustainable Fashion from London Collage of Fashion suggest that people re-connect with fashion as a tool for human flourishing and a source of creative employment and productive work by working in two areas. First, critically appraise the role of fashion in our culture, mean people have a deep need for adornment, d iscovery and novelty. Fashion can help them meet these needs.By recognizing and engaging with fashion’s central role in human culture, they build towards more sustainable solutions that meet needs. Second, put human well-being at the heart of fashion production and consumption, mean changing fashion practices to improve well-being of workers, consumers, designers, and producers is central to a more sustainable future. Nowadays, every people wants to be acknowledged about his or her existence. People show their best to get more attention than others. If people are  getting a lot  of attention  from others  it will be  easy for them  to gain recognition of  their existence.Every people has different ways to get it. One of the easier ways to get attention from others is to wear different style of clothes. More eye-catching or fashionable people’s style of clothes, the easier they become the center of attention. To get eye-catching or fashionable clothes, peo ple have to go to a place that provides various types and models, so they can choose the type of clothes that suit them. As described in the first paragraph, people’s clothing needs is big business opportunity. Businessman can design clothing store, as a place to satisfy people’s clothing needs.People can channel their hobby and passion in designing clothes. As Confucius said, â€Å"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life†. Steven Jobs also once said, â€Å"People with passion can change the world for the better. † Asked about the advice he would offer would-be entrepreneurs, he said, â€Å"I'd get a job as a busboy or something until I figured out what I was really passionate about. † That's how much it meant to him. Passion is everything. All of the businessmen do not  have to  come  on time  in the morning  to  work  and  sit  for hours in front of the  computer.They make they own rules. It a lso happens to clothing store’s businessman. Fortunately, there are no  rules  in  fashion. People are free to design and determine various types of clothes that they want to sell. Some statements above already approved that designing a clothing store is really an enjoyable job. Each clothing store has their own characteristic. It can be seen from the type of clothes that its sell. People who design clothing store will be the first people who know and publish the different new styles to public based on their characteristic.Therefore, they can be trendsetter. They must know a fashion  that will be  popular  or  even create  a  new fashion mainstream  society. The fashion lovers, sometimes called fashionita, will  always follow  the latest trends  created by  the trendsetters. It is  a  pride for  the owner of clothing store as people  who  has created  these trends. Besides  getting  the pride,  the  owner of  clothing  store s  are also  getting  high profits  from the  clothing  store  business. It is because the fashion  always change  every time  and the  fashionista  will  always  follow the  newest  trend.So,  the procurement of  new  fashion items  are very  promising  because it  will most likely be  sold. Therefore, the  clothing  store  will  always get the  benefit goes  along with the  change of  fashion. To sum up, designing clothing store is, indeed, a good opportunity for both consumer and owner. For the consumer, clothing store is a place where they can meet one of their basic and fashion needs. It also can show people’s social status and their existence. For the owner, designing clothing store is an enjoyable job that could make them become a trendsetter and get high profit.

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