Thursday, September 12, 2019

City of God Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

City of God - Essay Example According to the essay "City of God" findings, the film portrays very scenes of bloodshed and barbarity. For instance, the film bombards shocking images of brutality that leaves an individual emotionally numb. Meirelles paints a horrible convincing portrait of young spoilt youth with shattered innocence. It becomes a pity to view young children roaming the streets with guns giving all their lives for the sake of their gangs. The paper, therefore, analyses of the film on issues relating to planning, design, culture, environment, and society. Proficient planning tilts between the bureaucratically mundane and wildly imaginative. It becomes hard to navigate the miasma of rules and regulations yet maintaining a social vision of a movie set. ‘City of God’ has outstandingly undergone planning to reveal the influence built by the environment to its characters. The movie reveals social networks in a planned community built to replace a community destroyed in a natural disaster. Moreover, pandemonium moments in the characters’ lives at odds with their ordered and sterile public housing. In addition, the movie has been designed to reveal the poor and life to risk the life of slums in the modern society. The film portrays a society full of moral deficiency. As an economically poor slum, the youth involve themselves in acts of outrageous violence. Crimes appear to be the only option in the moral and economic wasteland of the Brazilian favelas. The film revolves around a society that is poor both economically and politically. Drug abuse and drug trafficking is not an astonishing deed in the society. The main character in the movie, Rocket, narrates of his journey in the slums of Rio de Janeiro where he witnesses for two decades greed, rape, barbarity, and revenge. The movie portrays a poorly developed environment not worth human sustainability. The city is depicted to maintain low environmental measures. The place was initially built for those who could not afford housing and living essentials. Poor infrastructure, housing, security, and lack of the employment opportunities eventually led to the growth of gangs and murderous drug dealers. The city portrays the hardships people have to experience and go through in order to make ends meets in their lives. The movie further shows how the residents of the city live in doubt, as they fear frequent bloody gunfires from neighborhood kids who kill efficiently as the grownups. The city lacks a peaceful environment where an individual can settle and m aintain a prosperous life. The slum has no electricity, paved streets or even transportation. Crime and football are depicted as the cultural ways out of the slum. Meirelles portrays a bunch of kids who gather around to play football but all of a sudden, this becomes history as three hoodlums find their way on to the pitch seeking refuge from police officer. Suddenly the once football game ends up in a violence game of intimidation and rape. As the gangsters kill the chicken, Rocket is terrified with the thought that he is about to face murder but this turns out to be the opposite. The sacrificial purpose of the chicken portrays with force of a blunt instrument how cheap life has turned to be for the residents at the slum. It also conveys how aggression and

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