Saturday, August 10, 2019

Internal Recruitment Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Internal Recruitment - Case Study Example The purpose of the paper is to generate an in-depth understanding about the aspects of recruitment. The paper will describe the recruitment process and identify the similarities and dissimilarities between the works of two authors i.e. Bach’s book â€Å"Managing Human Resources† and Torrington, Hall and Taylor’s book â€Å"Human Resource Management† regarding the internal recruitment. Literature Review According to Bach (2005), recruitment and selection is the procedure of selecting the appropriate employees from the pool of inappropriate employees who can effectively fit in the organisational culture and job responsibilities. Bach had mentioned the recruitment model as ‘psychometric’ or traditional method to employment because traditional method of recruitment focused on job and followed a coherent structure of actions. This method is mainly used in service organisations which require high degree of job fit. Bach focuses on finding suitable s election methods which are capable of forecasting appropriate employees from inappropriate employees, i.e. methods which have thorough psychometric components of rationality and consistency (Bach, 2005). According to Torrington et. al. (2008), organisations require finding and getting employees who are required by organisation for success. These employees can be part-time, permanent, or irregular, and the employment relationship with them is the agreement which sums up the aspects of that association so that both parties know their position. According to the authors, the entire employee resourcing procedure is represented by the joint assessment that occurs in selection meeting, in order to identify that if certain candidates are appropriate for the organisation or not. Selection meeting not only assists the organisation to get proper employee, but also helps the applicant for getting his/her desired job (Torrington et. al., 2008). Recruitment Process Both authors have certain simil ar and a few dissimilar opinions regarding recruitment. According to Bach (2005), recruitment often takes place when a present employee leaves the organisation or when organisations need to fill any vacant job position. The organisational reaction is to replace the old employee with substitute employee so that the absence does not hamper the business operations. Torrington et. al., (2008), described that apart from using recruitment, organisations have several other ways to fill the vacancies. For instance, organisations can reform the tasks by allocating or shifting the time as well as reorganise the work procedures to fill the gap of performance caused by departure of certain employees. However, there are certain situations where recruitment becomes essential even if employees do not leave an organisation, for instance, if organisations enlarge the business or create new divisions in the market. According to Bach’s (2005) point of view, recruitment process includes a method ical appraisal of the necessities of an organisation and detailed examination of job requisite in terms of job analysis. It is essential for an organisation as even when an employee is substituted, there can still be variations in job necessities. Torrington & et. al., (2008), had also suggested that job descriptions are crucial for evaluating the job necessities and for preparing the employers for recruiting.

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