Friday, February 21, 2020

Dispositions Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Dispositions Paper - Essay Example Dispositions essential for an early childhood educator An early childhood educator should delight in the development of children and have a curiosity about the same. This will allow them to have a strong liking for children and be able to approach and interact with them in and out of class every time and not only when direction or correction is needed (Kidd et al 316). According to Danielson et al (235), playing forms an essential part in the life of a child and their proper development. Therefore, an early childhood educator should value children’s play. This disposition will motivate them to arrange the environment, provide opportunity and materials for play, and be part of it either by watch closely or active participation. They will not find themselves interrupting play and replacing it with teacher-directed activities. The world is dynamic and some of these changes bring challenges in the way we handle and deal with situations we are used to. The early childhood education al centers are not exempted from these challenges and changes for example changes in children’s behavior due changing social-economic and technological situations in the society. An early childhood educator should therefore expect and welcome continuous challenges and change. ... gence of new circumstances and challenges in the society including children, an early childhood educator should have the will and be ready to take risks and make mistakes. This will allow them to move and perform in new upcoming areas within the early childhood education. It will also enable them to handle situations or issues in the early childhood education set up they have never handled before. Whenever mistakes arise, they take them as important learning opportunities instead of sources of self-condemnation and discouragement. Lack of this disposition leads to rigidity and less interest in professional development (Danielson et al 235). Collaboration is necessary for the attainment of results that individual people cannot achieve to the best or those that can be achieved better if approached or done as a group. This requires that an early childhood educator should seek collaboration and peer support. Peer support is very important especially in tackling challenges that relate dir ectly to the education of young children. An educator with such a disposition will use all opportunities to brainstorm and problem-solve with colleagues while requesting or offering help where needed (Thornton 25). Early childhood educators have a significant role in the life of young children to shape, care and protect them due to the much time children spend in school during the day. This requires that early childhood educators should actively advocate for children and teaching practices that are appropriate for them. This disposition will drive them to learn all rights and needs of children in order to ensure that they are provided for. These will include the educational needs required by children for them attain to their best education wise for example the best instructional methods and

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Strategic Financial Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Strategic Financial Management - Essay Example The operating margin and operating profit stood at 7.7% and  £115.6million respectively compared with 8.3% and  £111.3million respectively in the same period last year. The Company has taken on an extra five-year bank facility with Handelsbanken, hoping to increase their overall facilities to  £740 million (Yahoo Finance) Without profit, a firm would be unable to attract outside capital. That is why I identified the profitability ratios as the most efficient and effective way to evaluate the financial performance of the Wetherspoons Company. The profitability measures enable me to evaluate the company’s profits in relation to the level of assets, or owners’ investment as stipulated in the company’s financial statements. I looked into statements dating back from 2010 to 2014. I calculated Return on Capital Employed (RECE) by determining the ratio between the operating capital and the capital employed. This helped me know how well the firm utilizes the capital employed. In 2014, the Return on Capital Employed (RECE) for the company was 12.94%, as compared to 11.83% in 2013.It means that the company has had a steady increase on its return on capital employed thus showing that the Company keeps on improving its’ utilization of capital employed. To begin with, I established the Gross profit margin by determining the ratio between gross profit and net sales. The gross profit of the firm in 2014 was  £79.4m, compared to  £76.9m in 2013, which translates into a 3.1% increase in profit. This growth in gross profit margin serves as a good indicator that J D Wetherspoon firm is progressing well and promises good returns on investment. The decrease in the net profit margin of J D Wetherspoon can be attributed to external forces such as taxes. I established the assets turnover by determining the ratio between sales revenue and total assets to find out how efficiently J D Wetherspoon