Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Kindle Fire Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Kindle Fire - Research Paper Example The decisions made by consumers are affected by this behavior and this is the reason why Kindle Fire will be marketed successfully under the behavioral segment. This approach has increased the Kindle fire sales made over the years. The rocketing sales are also controlled by the demand and supply forces such that when demand on Kindle Fire declines, the Amazon’s sales are drastically affected. Evaluation Under the behavioral approach of segmentation, the customers will be divided under various segments. Consumers will be evaluated based on their usage rate, the benefits gained, loyalty and occasion in which they use Kindle Fire. There are various ways of growing a business. The first method is as aforementioned; to attract new customers and the second way is to retain the already existing customers. For Kindle Fire to continue existing in the market, Amazon has to maintain a strong customer base (Cheshire, 2012). This is only through customer dependability. Customer loyalty is targeted as one of the behavioral approaches of consumers. The strategies applied to maintain the Kindle Fire’s loyal customers are different from those that are used in attracting new customers. Customer loyalty is hence one of the techniques of determining customers under the behavioral segmentation. ... It will be easier to identify the customer who needs change the product more often than one who does not use one so often. The other way in which Kindle buyers can be segmented according to their behavior is by identifying those who buy on occasions. Freytag and Clarke’s (2001) argument is that buying on occasion is under behavioral segmentation because the customer is likely to target the holidays and festivities when companies come up with offers at discounted prices. Such a customer base may be large since most people tend to save a lot of money for their holidays and festivities. Segmenting the Kindle Fire customer according to the benefits he or she gains is also another way of evaluating the customer’s behavior towards the product. While Kindle’s competitors, such as Google Nexus and the laptops, have their own benefits, some customers may still look for the benefits they gain from Kindle Fire tablets that they cannot get from its competitors. One of the be nefits attained from the Kindle Fire tablet and not laptops is that it is easier to transport the Kindle from one point to the other as compared to laptops. A laptop is heavier as compared to the tablet. The Kindle tablet is also beneficial to clients who are always online for business purposes or projects. The other advantage of Kindle Fire over other digital gadgets is that it easily usable in the education industry (Cheshire, 2012). This can be fused with good pricing, 24hr customer support and customization of devices for customers in order to be able to stay competitive in the market. This means using a break-up strategy where the prices are favorable as compared to other devices and being able to pack devices as per the specification of customers.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Influence from Mexican and Puerto Ricans in the Us Culture Essay Example for Free

Influence from Mexican and Puerto Ricans in the Us Culture Essay The U. S. culture has been saturated with Mexican and Puerto Rican influences. Influence is defined as a cognitive factor that tends to have an effect on what you do. I believe most of the influences are good but there are also some that are bad. The two major influences that will be brought up would be the influence of human creativity and violence. Puerto Ricans had a unique blend of human creativity. â€Å"Fueled by that political awakening, a cultural renaissance emerged among Puerto Rican artists. † By the 1960’s salsa music began to emerge. Puerto Ricans rooted this category of music especially in the New York area. Fania Records became the dominant record label in the early salsa music scene. Juan Gonzalez mentioned artist such as Eddie and Charlie Palmieri, Willie Colon and Ray Barretto. They provoked with there politically charged lyrics. It also sprang up writers such as Piri Thomas and Nicholasa Mohr mentioned by Juan Gonzalez. Piri Thomas was born in the Spanish Harlem section of Manhattan and is known for his best seller autobiography â€Å"Down These Mean Streets†pg63 and describes his struggle having Puerto Rican heritage. Nicholasa Mohr her works also told of the difficulties of growing up in Puerto Rican communities in the New York area. As more Puerto Rican came to into the States a big clash of racial identity rose. Black and White was a struggle in itself then Brown came in to the mix it mad things twist. â€Å"A dwindling tax base, brought about by the flight of industry and skilled white workers to the suburbs, massive disinvestment by government in public schools and infrastructure, and the epidemics of drug and alcohol abuse, all tore at the quality of city life†Pg 64. Lack of investment in the infrastructure and public schools by the government was a major contributor to this especially since most did not know how to speak English and the teachers did not know how to translate to the students. â€Å"The third generation of Puerto Ricans, those who came of age in the late 1980s and early 1990s, found themselves crippled by inferior schools, a lack of jobs, and underfunded social services. They found their neighborhoods inundated with drugs and violence. They grew up devoid, for the most part, of self-image, national identity, or cultural awareness. They became the lost generation. †Pg63 Mexicans also had there share of influencial human creativity. Mexicans are known for developing corrido music. They were smart about this music though because they were used to inform. They had dates names warnings and some were stories of crime or love. † The average corrido was usually so filled with dates, names, and factual details that it functioned not only as entertainment but also as a news report, historical narrative, and commentary for the mass of Mexicans who were still illiterate†. pg124. To change up the creativity from the arts to a more meaningful influence would be the founding of MAYO and no not the one you eat but Mexican American Youth Organization. This was intended to protect the civil rights of Mexican Americans. â€Å"One of the most influential groups to arise during the period was the Mexican American Youth Organization (MAYO), founded in San Antonio by Willie Velazquez, a young community organizer for the Catholic Bishop’s Committee on the Spanish Speaking, and Crystal City’s Jose Angel Gutierrez. †pg 69. Mexicans have been picked on for decades and are still being hated upon. What was heavily impacted were schools and nothing was done about it. MAYO staged school walk outs to gain power. These acts would allow them to earn seats on school boards which in turn allowed them to participate in deciding what was best for their own people. In turn violence also was majorly influence. The US culture was raised to hate Mexicans. † Once the Great Depression hit and unemployment surged among whites, though, not even Mexicans who spoke fluent English escaped the anti-immigrant hysteria. More than 500,000 were forcibly deported during the 1930s, among them many who were U. S. citizens. † Speaking spanish a lot of times was a burden for mexicans which made them targets since most that all they spoke. To conclude Puerto Ricans and Mexicans have influenced the US culture. It still hasn’t stopped it continues to. More than likely it will still influence for many more years to come. They have been put down but they come right back up and stronger. They have given a lot to stop and to soak in many years of heritage. So go dance to some salsa or sing a corrido for a change.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Invisible Man Essay: Puppet or Puppeteer? :: Invisible Man Essays

Invisible Man: Puppet or Puppeteer? Â   Â   One could argue that we are all merely puppets, or dolls, doomed to dance by invisible strings - never realizing who pulls the strings. Ralph Ellison's novel, The Invisible Man is fraught with images of dolls as if to constantly reminded the reader that no one is in complete control of their life. Â   The first example of doll imagery comes very early in the novel with the Battle Royal scene. The nude, blonde woman is described as having hair "that was yellow like that of a circus kewpie doll" (19). Ellison draws a very strong connection between the plight of the Negro man and the white woman. The fact that they are both shown as puppets or dolls in the work is no coincidence. The woman and the African are merely show pieces for the white men in the novel. Â   Tod Clifton's dancing Sambo dolls are the most striking example of doll imagery. This small tissue paper doll has the capability to completely change the Invisible Man. When he sees that the powerful and enigmatic Clifton is the one hawking the abominable dolls, the narrator is so filled with humiliation and rage that he spits upon the dancing figure. But what is it that has caused this surging of fury? It is Tod Clifton and not the narrator who has degraded himself to such a base level. However, it is our narrator's sudden comprehension of his own situation that causes his wrath. The line "For a second our eyes met and he gave me a contemptuous smile" (433) illustrates this moment of realization for our narrator. It shows the reader that Tod Clifton was aware of his position as a puppet all along and chooses to enlighten the narrator at this particular point in the novel. Â   The Invisible Man recognizes that all his life he's been a slave and a puppet to others. Whether those others were Bledsoe, his grandfather, or the brotherhood is irrelevant, but there has always been and imperceptible string attached to him governing everything he does. Not only a string but his own physical characteristics echo those of the grotesque Sambo dolls. Â   It's cardboard hands were clenched into fists. The fingers outlined in orange paint, and I noticed that it had two faces, one on either side of the disks of cardboard, and both grinning.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Project Shakti Case Questions

Project Shakti case questions With the advantages and benefits HLL attained from the market strategy in competing with the other FMCG companies in urban area while facing the intense situations of shrinking market shares brought by its rivals emulating the market strategy, HLL experienced a hard time of scaling up its attractiveness in products. After gaining the temporary increased sales, the competitors in rural marketing aggregate again. Increasing numbers of companies, heating up competition force HLL to struggle a way to explore a new less competitive market and extend its sales.Project Shakti initiates under such sharp condition. It weighs the special situation in rural India. Scattered villages and poor transportation stumbling HLL products being reached by its customers; low accessibility and educational level are the results of less consciousness of products and brands. The demands in rural area are limited. Project Shakti is generated to justify the disadvantages. It has tw o objectives when it was born. One relates to business that is to extend HLL’s reach into the untapped markets and improve its brands and products awareness among customers in that area.The other involves social factors, which is aiming at creating a sustainable livelihood opportunities for underprivileged rural women. That means women will be involved in operating their own enterprises by themselves. Moreover, this project builds up a bridge of communications among women and entrepreneurship, brands and customers, technology from urban to rural, backward lifestyle and modern lifestyle, short-term economic growth and long-term sustainable strategy.For the sake of business growth, forming small groups (Self-helped Group) and select one to invest in business is easy to manage, organize and operate, which is also profitable and no need to take too much risks. It targets the segment of rural women because it can easily access to potential customers since women are the mainstream of household purchasing. By directly selling the products, customers know about the brand including the attributes, reputations of consuming, service; seller (female operator) will be able to attain more profits aside from cheaper supply.Besides, female customers also have the opportunities to understand how does the project work, which might encourage them to join in. HLL decides to introduce the RSP system to coach women how to create and grow viable business is a creative action of sustaining both the business and women’s belief and confidence. This approach actually provides a platform of specifically doing a marketing research, knowing about customers’ preferences, purchasing ability, potential sales, market size, helping to explore new market and segment.Utilizing the project as a communication program. This move no longer need to hired anyone to coach entrepreneur, instead, the entrepreneur itself initiates the communications with customers within a supported br and among rural communities. They present products through many means, passing the products information to customers at different educational levels. It is the easiest and most direct way to generate contacts between consumers and products.This strategy modifies their living styles and improves the quality of life, spreading awareness of health and hygiene practices in rural India. It also energizes the products growth in category and enlarges its market. Introducing technology brings the increasing numbers in accessibility of their products. iShakti is another efficient communication between entrepreneur and distribution, entrepreneur and outlets, entrepreneur and company, entrepreneur and customers, entrepreneur and stockiest, entrepreneurs, customers and brands, customers and products, etc.It is a window to look outside and inside due to the poor conditions of transportations in rural India. It is convenient for entrepreneur to manage products information. This creative action im proves the operating efficiency. However, the costs are too expensive and would drag iShakti away from being scalable and sustainable. Though the project Shakti has negative impact on temporary shortage of money, such in the brand supported communication programs, more costs in setting up additional technological portals, the way its social image builds and brands pread indicating that the project has a very huge potentials in gaining more market share, and grows sustainably in the long run. It is no longer a simple products they sell, but products deliver a belief, a conception and an idea that women are not a group of people who only concentrate on dealing with house chores and taking care of husband and children. The products also build an image for all rural women that they could also fulfill their dreams and completely have the ability to operate their own business.It brings confidence and belief that make them realize their value of living. The project Shakti successfully incr eases sales and enlarges its market, both financially and socially impacts lives in rural India. The profits it brings not only on the behalf of its own, but also benefits women who responsible for the entrepreneur, and customers living in rural India. It changes the way of viewing themselves and values in life.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Cultural Frame Essay Picasso

Evaluate the view that art reflects the social values of a particular time and place. â€Å"Painting isn’t an aesthetic operation; it’s a form of magic designed as a mediator between this strange, hostile world and us, a way of seizing the power by giving form to our terrors as well as our desires† this quote by Pablo Picasso allows the audience to delve deeper into his emotions and what has finally persuaded Picasso to enter the art world. Art reflects the social values of a particular time and place; this can be seen throughout many of Picasso’s artworks throughout time, and how he and his techniques have changed over the period of his career.Pablo Picasso was one of the twentieth century’s most famous artists. Picasso was born in Spain in 1881 and died in South France aged 92. During his life time Picasso had an enormous impact on the Western Art world. Guernica is a grey, black and white painting which reaches 3. 5 meters tall and 7. 8 meters wi de. The painting shows images of people and animals suffering as well as buildings destroyed by the violence and chaos. The painting is depicted within a room where there are animals and people all over the place, at an open end on the left a bull can be seen standing over a woman who is grieving over a lost child.The centre of the painting is occupied by a horse that is falling as it has just been struck. Picasso’s art work Guernica is one of the most well-known artworks he has completed; created in 1937 this picture depicts an image responding to the bombing of Guernica by the Germans and Italians during the Spanish Civil War. Throughout the work of Guernica we see images which connect Picasso to his homeland, Spain. One of Spain’s most well known icons is the use of the bull; the bull is seen as a brave animal and is used often as a symbol of struggle, courage and victory.Bulls have been seen throughout a number of Picasso’s works as they have close relations to his past, since his childhood he has loved the figure of the bull and has used it in many images throughout his career. Picasso uses the use of the bombing in Guernica as the main theme of his artwork, using history in his art making. Throughout Picassos painting career he went through a number of periods, Picasso’s Blue period (1900 – 1904) shows a time when Picasso painted mostly in shades of blue, these works were inspired by Spain even though they were painted in Paris.These works all seemed to reflect Picasso’s experience with relative poverty and instability. Picasso’s blue period represents him at a time when he was dealing with his depression after the shocking death of his friend, although he was not there to witness this event it still had a large impact on Picasso, the drama from this event emerged throughout several of his works. One of Picasso’s early works from his Blue Period was the Blue Nude created in 1902; this painting is a part of his blue period, it shows the talent that Picasso possesses as it still managed to highlight deep feelings with the use of only one colour pallet.Blue Nude depicts the image of a woman who is sitting with her back towards us holding her knees as if she is in the search for security and comfort. These artworks allow the audience to have a deeper understanding on how Picasso has changed over the course of his art life and how issues have impacted him on his painting styles and techniques. Picasso has used his memories and feelings in his art making to show the deeper meaning of society, throughout his blue period he painted a lot of the real, raw people of Paris (e. g. prostitutes, beggars and drunks) which shows what influenced him at the time.Another one of Picasso’s artworks is Bullfight: Death of the Toreador this artwork shows a clear indication to how Picasso has progressed and moved though his periods. The artwork is full of colour and incorporates his love of bu llfighting. Picasso often painted bullfights which were held on Sundays when he was unable to attend them. Interestingly this work was not painted in his home town, Spain, but painted in Paris. The painting depicts a grey house in a panicking state, the horse is painted with heavy brushstrokes which show a tonal contrast which enhances the moment we see the bullfighter’s death.The grey tones used on the horse makes the horse less obvious to the viewing audience. The presents of the horse and the man is taken up by the mass of red cape which twirls in between the bull and the fighter. The colour in this painting creates a powerful scene of energy, violence and death. This picture shows an influence to the Spanish culture, as mentioned before, the bull is an important part of the Spanish culture, the bull represents struggle, courage and victory, bull fighting was seen as a way to prepare for the war.By including the bull fighting scene in this artwork Picasso has added somethi ng which is important to him and his cultural background. Art reflects the social values of a particular time and place, Picasso show’s this through a number of his works. He has emphasised his values towards his culture by the symbols he uses in his artworks to make them personal (e. g. the bull and the use of blue tones) the personalisation of his works enable us to have a greater understanding of the message Picasso is trying to convey to the audience.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on America And The Silicone Epidemic

America and the Silicone Epidemic Turn on the television, or pick up almost any magazine, and you’ll be bombarded by images of slim, sexy, voluptuous, models, with flawless complexion and perfect hair. â€Å"So what’s the problem with that†, you might ask yourself? The problem is that all this extreme overexposure to â€Å"the perfect body or face† can wreak havoc on ones self esteem and sense of self worth. How do people manage to keep up with this high level of social pressure to look good? For many, it means extra time spent at the gym, trying to burn those extra calories and shed those couple extra pounds, but there is an alarming increase in the desire for a â€Å"quick fix†. This â€Å"quick fix† is cosmetic surgery, and studies show that the number of people using cosmetic surgery to solve their personal dissatisfaction is increasing at an alarming rate. The once low-key, obscure realm of plastic surgery was a quick, not so easy fix for a select number of wealthy female baby boomers, however this trend has changed dramatically. More shocking is the number of men undergoing plastic surgery to try and turn back dreadful hands of time. According to the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, over the last five years, the number of men having liposuction has tripled, and the number of men having face-lifts has doubled. Furthermore, in 1997, men spent approximately $130 million on liposuction, face-lifts, nose reshaping, and eyelid surgery, up from $88 million in 1992. Comparatively, when spent $882 million in 1997 on plastic surgery, which is up from $479 million in 1992. Yet many people wonder what has caused this dramatic rise of self-dissatisfaction in men? According to Corey Maas, a San Francisco based plastic surgeon, â€Å"it’s a growing trend. After all these years of guys walking around with big beer bellies and wrinkly faces while women are looking better and better, finally men are catching on.† F... Free Essays on America And The Silicone Epidemic Free Essays on America And The Silicone Epidemic America and the Silicone Epidemic Turn on the television, or pick up almost any magazine, and you’ll be bombarded by images of slim, sexy, voluptuous, models, with flawless complexion and perfect hair. â€Å"So what’s the problem with that†, you might ask yourself? The problem is that all this extreme overexposure to â€Å"the perfect body or face† can wreak havoc on ones self esteem and sense of self worth. How do people manage to keep up with this high level of social pressure to look good? For many, it means extra time spent at the gym, trying to burn those extra calories and shed those couple extra pounds, but there is an alarming increase in the desire for a â€Å"quick fix†. This â€Å"quick fix† is cosmetic surgery, and studies show that the number of people using cosmetic surgery to solve their personal dissatisfaction is increasing at an alarming rate. The once low-key, obscure realm of plastic surgery was a quick, not so easy fix for a select number of wealthy female baby boomers, however this trend has changed dramatically. More shocking is the number of men undergoing plastic surgery to try and turn back dreadful hands of time. According to the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, over the last five years, the number of men having liposuction has tripled, and the number of men having face-lifts has doubled. Furthermore, in 1997, men spent approximately $130 million on liposuction, face-lifts, nose reshaping, and eyelid surgery, up from $88 million in 1992. Comparatively, when spent $882 million in 1997 on plastic surgery, which is up from $479 million in 1992. Yet many people wonder what has caused this dramatic rise of self-dissatisfaction in men? According to Corey Maas, a San Francisco based plastic surgeon, â€Å"it’s a growing trend. After all these years of guys walking around with big beer bellies and wrinkly faces while women are looking better and better, finally men are catching on.† F...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Microsoft Word Shortcuts and Commands

Microsoft Word Shortcuts and Commands There are many shortcuts for common functions in Microsoft Word. These shortcuts or commands can come in handy when typing a report or term paper, or even a letter. It is a good idea to try some of these functions before you actually begin a project. Once you become familiar with the way they work, you may become hooked on shortcuts. Executing Shortcuts Before you can use shortcuts commands, its important to understand a few requirements. If the shortcut involves a section of text (words you have typed), you will need to highlight the text before typing the command. For instance, to bold a word or words, you must highlight them first. For other commands, you may only need to place the cursor at a specific place. For instance, if you want to insert a footnote, place the cursor in the relevant position. The commands below are sectioned into groups by alphabetical order to make it easier to find the ones you need. Bold Through Italics Boldfacing  a word or group of words is one of the handiest shortcut commands in Microsoft Word. Other commands, such as centering text, creating a hanging indent, or even calling for help can be useful shortcuts to know. The latter command- calling for help by pressing the F1 key- brings up a printed helpfile to the right of your document, which even includes its own search function. (The last section of this article contains instructions for the search command.) Function Shortcut Bold CTRL + B Center a paragraph CTRL + E Copy CTRL + C Create a hanging indent CTRL + T Decrease the font size by 1 point CTRL + [ Double-space lines CTRL + 2 Hanging Indent CTRL + T Help F1 Increase the font size by 1 point CTRL + ] Indent a paragraph from the left CTRL + M Indent CTRL + M Insert a footnote ALT + CTRL + F Insert an endnote ALT + CTRL + D Italic CTRL + I Justify Through Single-Space Lines Justifying a paragraph will make it flush left and flush right rather than ragged-right, which is the default in Word. But, you can also left-align a paragraph, create a page break, and even mark a table of contents or index entry, as the shortcut commands in this section show. Function Shortcut Justify a paragraph CTRL + J Left-align a paragraph CTRL + L Mark a table of contents entry ALT + SHIFT + O Mark an index entry ALT + SHIFT + X Page Break CTRL + ENTER Print CTRL + P Remove a paragraph indent from the left CTRL + SHIFT + M Remove paragraph formatting CTRL + Q Right-align a paragraph CTRL + R Save CTRL + S Search CTRL = F Select All CTRL + A Shrink Font One Point CTRL + [ Single-space lines CTRL + 1 Subscripts Through Undo If youre writing a science paper, you might need to place certain letters or numbers in subscript, such as in  H20, the chemical formula for water. The subscript shortcut makes it easy to do this, but you can also create a superscript with a shortcut command. And, if you make a mistake, correcting it is only a CTRL Z away. Function Shortcut To type a Subscript CTRL + = To type a Superscript CTRL + SHIFT + = Thesaurus SHIFT + F7 Remove Hanging Indent CTRL + SHIFT + T Remove Indent CTRL + SHIFT + M Underline CTRL + U Undo CTRL + Z

Sunday, October 20, 2019

7 Tips To Bag Your Dream Writing Gig

7 Tips To Bag Your Dream Writing Gig 7 Tips To Bag Your Dream Writing Gig 7 Tips To Bag Your Dream Writing Gig By Colin It’s an average morning in freelance writing land. You’re dressed and fed (maybe), you’ve checked your inbox, and now you’re sipping on a fresh cup of coffee while scanning the Internet job boards for writing gigs of interest. Then you see it. A job that is so suited for you and your writing style, you may as well have written the advert yourself. It’s ideal, it’s your dream writing gig, it’s perfect for you and you’d do anything to get it. But how DO you get it? In what way can you convince the client that from the hundreds of applications they may be about to receive, you are the one that deserves it most? Here are seven top tips to help you rise above the crowd, and help you bag your dream freelance writing gig. 1. Read The Requirements It’s kind of obvious, but it’s important, and something that is overlooked by so many. Remember at school when you were told always to double read the questions in the exam paper? That advice still holds true. Always read the advert once, twice – thrice – because understanding what is required is they key to telling the client what they want to hear. Editors get annoyed when a writer submits an application, query or submission for consideration, when it is painfully obvious he hasn’t read the advert or the editorial requirements. And rightfully so, because it demonstrates a lack of professionalism, and indicates the writer is not serious enough to have researched the publication or the company he is applying to. An application or query from a writer who has carefully read the editorial requirements, and has used them to his advantage, will always shine through. It will help to ensure he floats quickly to the top of the pile and gets a quicker response. 2. Write a Killer Query You know what is wanted, and you understand the requirements fully, now you have to write a killer query to grab the editor’s attention. I’ll cover query letter writing in detail in another article, but it goes without saying that a good initial approach in a query or application, as well as demonstrating a respect for the editorial guidelines, should also contain perfect spelling and grammar. It should be well constructed, be exciting, and should make the editor’s decision an easy one. Query letters or emails that are poorly written will go straight into the bin. 3. Make It Personal When you apply for a writing gig, it may be you have no idea who the client is other than ‘the editor.’ Obviously, you could address your query to ‘The Editor,’ but with a little bit of time taken to research and personalise the letter, you will stand a greater chance of being remembered and taken seriously as a contender for the position. Go to the company’s website. If it is not specifically mentioned, look at the email address where submissions and queries are to be sent, and enter the domain in Google. If it’s an anonymous email address, search on the company name. Read up on the company; their business reports, press releases, company history, ethos, products, employees, etc. If you can find out about the actual person you are applying to, then even better. Remember, knowledge is power to be used wisely, so use what you learn to beef up your application. Address it to the person mentioned in the advert, and adapt your letter to your prospective employer, making the connection between them and you that little bit stronger. 4. Don’t Be A Designer If you are querying via email always send in text format only. HTML emails are not always displayed properly by the email system you are sending to, or even appreciated by the person at the other end, so don’t be tempted. There should be no fancy images, headers, or signatures – just the basics of a strong, positive, attention grabbing query. The same applies in concept to snail mail letters. Remove fancy and coloured fonts, and forget about images – they only move the reader’s attention away from the content. Letter headings are acceptable, but make sure yours is subtle and contains your contact details. 5. Proofread, Proofread, Proofread! In the same way you should always proofread your articles, always proofread your query letters or applications. It’s the final line to cross to getting your application considered, so make sure it is perfect. We’re all guilty of the odd error, but you should always check for: Spelling Grammar Sentence structure Formality versus informality Contact information Suitability Strength of hook Suitability Everyone has different ways of proofreading their work. I tend to batter out an article then leave it for a day or two. I’ll go back to it and bring it together over a couple of drafts, then go over it a few times looking for all of the above. Finally, I’ll leave it alone for a day or two, then go back and read it out loud, and then read it backwards. 6. Show Off Your Skills In the same way the first rule of fiction writing is to ‘show, not tell,’ bagging your dream (or any) freelance writing gig incorporates the same principle: show them how good you are, don’t just tell them. It’s ok to list your publishing credits and it can be an impressive way of hooking an editor’s interest, but put yourself in his shoes: wouldn’t you rather see evidence of how good this fantastic writer is, rather than taking his word for it? Send some clips, and if you have some related material you have worked on in the past, make sure that is top of the file. If you are applying via email, consider creating a PDF document you can attach to your submission that highlights your best and most relevant clips. Some places don’t accept email attachments for reasons of security or stubbornness. If this is the case create a web page with the same information, including links if applicable, that the editor can then go and find. If they specify in their requirements they do not want attachments, they mean it, and will likely delete your application before it is read. But it also means they will probably be used to clicking on a link instead, and reviewing a writer’s clips online. If you dont have any clips, send a sample of something youve written. And if you really want to impress, write a short example that is entirely specific to them and the work they are advertising for, and send that along with your query. Going the extra yard could guarantee you are afforded time and consideration by most reasonable editors, and can be all you need to get your foot in the door. 7. Sell Yourself As your career progresses make a point of collecting testimonials from clients youve worked for. These can be in the form of quotes from emails, letters, or verbal. Include them on your website and in all your marketing and promotional material. When it comes to winning over an editor, theres nothing more impressive than reading a personal recommendation. And finally, never be afraid to tell someone how good you are. Don’t be arrogant about it, but don’t back away from accentuating your positives. Getting the dream gigs is all about selling and impressing, so don’t let someone else bag your gig simply because you were too shy to tell an editor how much you want the job. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Freelance Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Slang Terms for Money50 Types of PropagandaSit vs. Set

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Research Methods in Health Science A Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Research Methods in Health Science A - Essay Example However, when the area of research is more abstract i.e. involves looking at trends or measuring human perceptions and beliefs on a particular aspect that might be vital for health issues, a qualitative approach is the only method available which can lead to any conclusive inference. Statistical tools have been developed which allow classification, tabulation and grouping of even qualitative data into comprehensible forms which can lead to entirely valid inferences. Qualitative research involves comprehension of complex factors contributing to a particular phenomenon and numerous factors have to be identified, standardized and transformed into some measurable form before they can be evaluated to gain insight into the particular aspect being researched. Although considered unscientific by skeptics, as it lacks the experimental and observational approach followed in quantitative research which believes in the evidence generated by repeatable experiments yielding consistent data in biom edical sciences, it has gained belief in scientific circles during the last few decades due to the complex human, social, cultural and other factors influencing health in its entirety (Pope & Mays, 2006). Normal health or success of a particular medical procedure cannot be ruthlessly related to the success of a particular mode or procedure of therapy by its proven 100% success rate suggested by quantitative experimental data. Myriad factors, such as the psychological state of the patient, the manner in which the healthcare providers interact with the patient, family, economic and social standing of the patient and multiple other factors might be contributing in a significant manner. Such factors can only and only be evaluated by qualitative research. In order to evaluate the influence of such abstract factors, the right question has to be framed before any research strategy can be developed. It has to be assured that the research is conducted employing a design which can generate re sults which can be generalized within and without the applicable population. A prime example of a phenomenological qualitative study is the one recently conducted in Sweden, wherein the authors’ have tried to role of prenatal education from the perspective of the male parent regarding their role as primary caregivers immediately following birth (Erlandsson & Haggstrom-Nordin, 2010). Either parent’s opinion, irrespective of the sex is a complex collection of cultural background, personal education, experience and aptitude, which are difficult to evaluate using quantitative methodology as such things are not measurable. As the study has been conducted in an exclusive country i.e. Sweden, it can be assumed that the cultural background is free of any particular bias. The authors’ have sought to identify the concepts within the fathers’ minds about the topics covered in prenatal education especially after firsthand experience after childbirth and the difficult ies encountered thereafter. The framing of the research question by the authors’

Brief report that includes the data, the significance, and the cause Assignment

Brief report that includes the data, the significance, and the cause of the problem - Assignment Example It is clearly shows that there is a high rate of teen pregnancies, about 41%. The rate is very high and alarming and a cause for worry. The data also indicates that most of the teens are not prepared for the pregnancies, as evidenced by the large number of those carrying out abortions. The teens seem not be aware of the dangers of carrying out abortions neither are they informed about ways of preventing teenage pregnancies. The data also displays the general carelessness of the teens. Most of them have had pregnancies before and because they did not want the pregnancy, terminated it. They, however, continue to have risky sexual behaviors and get pregnant again. Some go to the extent of terminating more than one pregnancy. The behavior is sheer carelessness, because they should be able to learn from their previous mistakes. The data also shows there are some who were quite responsible and carried a pregnancy to term. They then have responsible sexual behaviors after that. Majority of teen pregnancies in Canada are a result of socio-economic factors. Most teens while in school put in a lot of effort with hopes of a better future, in either furthering their education or getting good jobs. However, along the way, some get discouraged because they see very few or no opportunities for them in the future and hence see no point in acquiring an education. Such students already have no need for staying in school and therefore opt to get pregnant and eventually drop out of school. They do not see why they should push forward childbearing for school (Bielski, par.10). Another cause of teen pregnancies is little, or no sex education provided to the students. While most of the pregnancies could be because of carelessness, others are purely out of ignorance. Most parents and teachers assume that as the students grow up, they will automatically get the information they need. Acquiring the information is not always the case, as some students are too shy

Friday, October 18, 2019

Demonstrate how you would plan the development of a corporate Assignment

Demonstrate how you would plan the development of a corporate communications strategy - Assignment Example Further, the main purpose of devising a corporate communication strategy is to deliver the company’s message to internal and the external audience (Steyn, 2000). Prior to defining the objectives of the company’s corporate communication strategy, it is essential to critically analyse the company’s profile and current organizational achievements. For this purpose SWOT analysis may be performed, to understand company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and the future targets of the company. Moreover, a PEST analysis must also be performed to grab an overview of the environment in which the company plans to survive and succeed (Cornelissen, 2014). The first and the foremost objective of the communication strategy is to devise a message that it wants to deliver to its audience. The audience is divided into two groups that are internal audience and the external audience. The sole purpose of devising a corporate communication strategy for a company is to pave the way for the flow of information. As suggested earlier, there are two groups of audiences that are dealt by the company, and they are the internal audience and the external audience (Steyn, 2004). The internal audience include employees, investors, partners, suppliers, and other stakeholders. The external audience include governmental and nongovernmental organisations, general public, and other private companies. Communication with the internal audience is carried out at two steps (Steyn, 2012). The first step is of informing and developing knowledge and skills among the members of the organisation. The second step includes convincing the investors, bargaining with the suppliers, and satisfying the stakeholders of the company. For this purpose, one could suggest regular surveys at an organizational level, and periodical reports of the company’s performance over six or twelve months. Fu rther, the company may acquire the help of business consultants to evaluate its

Correctional Officers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3

Correctional Officers - Essay Example In many cases female candidates with many years of work experience and efficiency were not allowed to be promoted only because of the reason that they were females. The ability of the female correctional officers will often be questioned by the administration and they are always doubted by the male co-workers. The female correctional officers will have to work extra hard to prove themselves.    Because of the nature of work and the high stress level in the corrections, it will be difficult to leave work at the workplace and therefore it becomes difficult for them to relax at home. Women are mostly not hired in male prisons because of the growing concern about their security and safety and there is also a possibility of violation of privacy of the inmates. The male prison administrators and the male guards found the presence of women as a problem. The courts have often recognized that there is always a possibility of assault on female correctional officers. There is also inequality in job  assignments to the women correctional officers especially in cases where there is a need of direct contact with the inmates. â€Å"The ambiguous and contradictory court rulings have provided no clear, definitive direction for resolution of the conflict between the equal employment rights of women correctional officers and the privacy rights of male inmates† (Tewksbury & Collins, 2013). Some of the researchers are of the view that the amount of psychological stress faced by the female officers has caused health concerns for them. The experience of the women correctional officers is complicated and filled with broken barriers. The male superior officers also sometimes do not provide the important information with respect to inmate interaction, which can help them to succeed professionally. The amount of freedom provided to the female correctional officers is minimum and they are made to work for longer hours. Senior male officers also disregard them in the context of their training and their social interactions and they also tend to exercise excessive supervision on them. The environment in the  correctional system does not give the required trust and respect to female officers. The possibility  of   sexual harassment by the inmates as well as colleagues is also another problem faced by the female correctional officers. Question 28 of 30 Summarize the management problems that special need inmates pose for corrections officials?   For this study, the special â€Å"populations are defined as those prisoners who exhibit unique physical, mental, social, and programmatic needs that distinguish them from other prisoners and for whom jail and prison management and staff have to respond to in nontraditional and innovative ways† (Stojkovic, 2005, p. 3). Correction officials are most often unable to effectively manage and supervise special need population of prisoners. The methods of management of the special need prisoners by the correctio nal leaders are many times questioned. Traditional methods of treatment of prisoners will not suit special needs inmates. In the traditional method, the issues of physical and mental health are not primary consideration. If the special needs population has to be effectively managed, the existing policies will have to be altered and innovative methods adopted.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

British Petroleum (BP) and its corporate Image Term Paper

British Petroleum (BP) and its corporate Image - Term Paper Example Every company needs a market and a public where to sell its products. This would only be possible if the company is known to the public, and they have a picture in their minds regarding it. This picture has to be positive; otherwise it could cost the company. A positive image increases a company’s credibility. This image is somewhat build through advertising, where the company portrays itself. Such advertising is not sales-oriented, but takes the help of the public relations department to promote a better reputation and name-awareness of the company. Corporate advertising uses strategies to build a sense of buoyancy and fascination among the consumers’ as well as the others in the industry. The whole company is advertised and branded, not just the products and services. Corporate image is an amalgamated psychological image, which continues to change, according to the firm’s products, strategies, media coverage and other events. The corporate image is a public opi nion of the company, and does not necessarily echo the company’s actual image, size or position. Corporate image is flexible and can change unexpectedly. It could go from best to worst, in hours, because of any scandal or any news, even fake, that found its way into the media, and that highlights a negative aspect of the firm. For example, in the 1990s The Food Lion supermarket faced a scandal that accused the store of unhygienic practices, which was a fraud; but the store was forced to withdraw from the  Houston,  Oklahoma,  Louisiana, and  Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex  markets, which it had recently entered, because of bad publicity. Or it could go from worst to good overnight, by a feature printed in the Wall Street Journal, or any other newspaper; written by a reporter who was impressed by your services. It is very unpredictable. Companies use advertising techniques to improve their depiction. Brands represent a philosophy; for example The Apple Computer Company has survived a lot of ups and downs, regarding its corporate image. Apple appealed to those computer users who were innovative and creative, who wanted to see themselves as unique and free-spirited people. Apple also faced complains and criticism for its iPhone 4, where there was a connectivity problem. Apple refused to accept that it was a technical error, instead asked the consumers that iPhones have to be held differently. Nowadays, the public relations departments are also involved in positive corporate image building. CORPORATE IMAGE AFFECTS BUSINESS SALES Corporate image helps consumers remember your company. How will people buy your products or services if they are not even aware that your company exists. According to the Gallup Poll, companies today are only 16% responsible, as compared to the 70% in 1968 (Argenti 5). In business, what matters most is what the public thinks and beliefs; and the public trust is what must be upheld and should not be broken. (Argenti 11) The pu blic trust in global companies is going in negative numbers. The statistics have been calculated by subtracting the percentage of distrust from the percentage of trust, expressed by the public during surveys. This shows that the public no longer trust the global companies, to upheld their rights and cater to their needs. (Argenti 15) Companies having good standing are more likely to achieve and maintain their status and public trust in

Scaffolding as teaching technique Research Paper

Scaffolding as teaching technique - Research Paper Example Vygotsky suggests that learning at the social level precedes learning at an individual level, which highlights the importance of participation by the society in the learning process. The concept thrives to illustrate the role of that adults can engage in to assist their children in the learning process by participating jointly in problem-solving activities. As such, both parties are capable of establishing effective communication during the activities and the student gains understanding through a mutual perspective. Although there has been no consensus with regard to the definition of scaffolding, clear-cut characteristics exist among the numerous definitions. One such characteristic is contingency, which illustrates the adjusted and well-calibrated support accorded to the learner. The support accorded is usually oriented to accommodate the level of the student and his/her performance. As such, for offered support to be effective, the level of competence of the student must be define d and the support accorded is at the same or slightly higher level. Another common characteristic entails the gradual withdrawal of the afforded support, a concept referred to as fading. The amount of support given is reduced with time based on the response of the student in terms of development and level of competence. As the amount of time decreases responsibility for the indicated tasks is transferred to the student as he/she increases in cognitive capacity. Summary of Research Studies indicate that scaffolding strategies provide individualised instructions to students who would otherwise be lost in the learning process. This allows instructors to observe students and establish a tailored approach on the student, pushing him/her towards success. The differentiated instructions ensures that the student receives information and direction in accordance to his/her level of competence, which works to foster better understanding of concepts. Moreover, scaffolding techniques improve the acquisition of skill and knowledge owing to the support provided. This is facilitated by the opportunity to offer differentiated and individualised instructions through other students who have higher level of understanding. As such, guidance offered ensures that the learner is accommodated to build his confidence and joy in learning. This ensures that the learner does not feel left out or incompetent despite his/her learning challenges, which would increase the learner’s frustration levels. Similarly, studies illustrate the role of scaffold strategies in triggering independence among students through encouragement (Stone, 1998). It has been indicated that scaffolding engages and motivates the learner who in turn use their past knowledge to grasp new concepts. In this regard, scaffold strategies ensure that learners are not passive but active in the learning process, which goes a long way in boosting confidence levels. However, some critics argue that the scaffolding metaphor is based on task completion and cannot be effective in the learning process (Biemiller and Meichenbaum, 1998). The studies cite poor communication skills between the instructor and the learner and suggest that the learners cannot fully internalise concepts based on temporary support. In addition, measurement of scaffolding has been identified as a challenge since there are no

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

British Petroleum (BP) and its corporate Image Term Paper

British Petroleum (BP) and its corporate Image - Term Paper Example Every company needs a market and a public where to sell its products. This would only be possible if the company is known to the public, and they have a picture in their minds regarding it. This picture has to be positive; otherwise it could cost the company. A positive image increases a company’s credibility. This image is somewhat build through advertising, where the company portrays itself. Such advertising is not sales-oriented, but takes the help of the public relations department to promote a better reputation and name-awareness of the company. Corporate advertising uses strategies to build a sense of buoyancy and fascination among the consumers’ as well as the others in the industry. The whole company is advertised and branded, not just the products and services. Corporate image is an amalgamated psychological image, which continues to change, according to the firm’s products, strategies, media coverage and other events. The corporate image is a public opi nion of the company, and does not necessarily echo the company’s actual image, size or position. Corporate image is flexible and can change unexpectedly. It could go from best to worst, in hours, because of any scandal or any news, even fake, that found its way into the media, and that highlights a negative aspect of the firm. For example, in the 1990s The Food Lion supermarket faced a scandal that accused the store of unhygienic practices, which was a fraud; but the store was forced to withdraw from the  Houston,  Oklahoma,  Louisiana, and  Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex  markets, which it had recently entered, because of bad publicity. Or it could go from worst to good overnight, by a feature printed in the Wall Street Journal, or any other newspaper; written by a reporter who was impressed by your services. It is very unpredictable. Companies use advertising techniques to improve their depiction. Brands represent a philosophy; for example The Apple Computer Company has survived a lot of ups and downs, regarding its corporate image. Apple appealed to those computer users who were innovative and creative, who wanted to see themselves as unique and free-spirited people. Apple also faced complains and criticism for its iPhone 4, where there was a connectivity problem. Apple refused to accept that it was a technical error, instead asked the consumers that iPhones have to be held differently. Nowadays, the public relations departments are also involved in positive corporate image building. CORPORATE IMAGE AFFECTS BUSINESS SALES Corporate image helps consumers remember your company. How will people buy your products or services if they are not even aware that your company exists. According to the Gallup Poll, companies today are only 16% responsible, as compared to the 70% in 1968 (Argenti 5). In business, what matters most is what the public thinks and beliefs; and the public trust is what must be upheld and should not be broken. (Argenti 11) The pu blic trust in global companies is going in negative numbers. The statistics have been calculated by subtracting the percentage of distrust from the percentage of trust, expressed by the public during surveys. This shows that the public no longer trust the global companies, to upheld their rights and cater to their needs. (Argenti 15) Companies having good standing are more likely to achieve and maintain their status and public trust in

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Relationship between media technology and culture Essay

Relationship between media technology and culture - Essay Example McLuhan’s work laid emphasis on how media is not an exclusive domain, but a space for the intermingling of politics, commerce and culture. One of the founding fathers of the field of media ecology, McLuhan introduced his core ideas in the 1950s and 60s. This was a period of rapid growth in telecommunication technology. The project McLuhan undertook is no less than to explain how â€Å"the nuances and great sweeps of human history are made possible by media of communication--how media determine the thoughts and actions of people and society.† (Strate, 2004) Raymond Williams’ career as a media analyst succeeded that of McLuhan. Consequently, he was able to see the flaws in several of McLuhan’s theories and rectify them to a large extent. Where Williams differed from his predecessor was on his ability to place media in the larger socio-cultural and economic dimensions rather than merely the technological dimension. This essay will argue that while McLuhan lai d out many fundamental concepts governing media studies, it is Williams who offers a more robust and veritable framework of understanding for studying media. Their arguments are weighed in the cases of digital media such as the television and the Internet. And finally, where either scholar’s concepts fall short, the Propaganda Model proposed by Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman is referred to present a more comprehensive understanding of media and its functionality. ... and weapons, in addition to the major mass media and communication technologies.† (Driedger & Redekop, 1998) Hence, media is effectively an extension of human beings and their perceptory faculties and capabilities. While there is efficiency and expedition in the dissemination of information in this setup, the concerns are the attendant negative consequences. For example, an outcome of this pervasive media space is the numbing of our critical faculties under the overload of information processing. In this cultural order where ‘the medium is the message’, there is danger in media technology’s role in â€Å"how and what we communicate, how we think, feel, and use our senses, and in our social organization, way of life, and world view.† (Driedger & Redekop, 1998) I concur with McLuhan’s apprehensive about the power of media technology in determining and dictating culture. McLuhan further argued that â€Å"the sensory organization, and the relation ship between sensory organization and the nature of thought were shaped by a person's direct experience with a medium. He saw television as a high-involvement medium, which leads viewers to crave the same level of involvement in all of their experiences. This was based on his designation of television as a "cool" medium, drawing on the distinction between "hot" jazz which was highly structured, and "cool" jazz, which was more unstructured, generating more listener involvement.† (Driedger & Redekop, 1998) It is fair to claim that this theory is now proven to be inaccurate, for television actually only requires passive consumption as opposed to active engagement. Indeed, television has thus acquired the derogatory terms ‘idiot box’ and ‘the tube’. This is one of several instances where McLuhan’s grasp of the nature

Monday, October 14, 2019

Double-Consciousness Under the White Gaze Essay Example for Free

Double-Consciousness Under the White Gaze Essay The theme of double-consciousness was first defined by Du Bois in The Souls of the Black Folk. He put the term â€Å"double-consciousness† in a world which yields him no true self-consciousness, but only lets him see himself through the revelation of the other world. It is a peculiar sensation, this double-consciousness, this sense of always looking at ones self through the eyes of others, of measuring ones soul by the tape of a world that looks on in amused contempt and pity. One ever feels his twoness—an American, a Negro; two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings; two warring ideals in one dark body, whose dogged strength alone keeps it from being torn asunder. (Du Bois) It is obvious that the protagonist as well as several lesser characters in Maud Martha by Gwendolyn Brooks suffer from this distressing double-consciousness, especially Maud Martha. Maud Martha realized that she was not the cherished one because of her darker skin color at an very early age, thus â€Å"to be cherished was the dearest wish of the heart of Maud Martha Brown†. ( Brooks 1650) In her own family, her beloved father preferred her sister Helen because Helen was lighter; At school her schoolmates also liked Helen and ignored her; When she grew into womanhood and got married, her husband Paul also showed a partiality to lighter women. Martha’s father, classmates and husband acted this way because as black people they themselves were treated as inferior creatures all the time by white Americans. Under this white gaze, the value that the black was inferior was accepted and internalized by the gazed over time. This internalizing also happened to Martha as she struggled all the way to build up her subjectivity. That accounts for her inferiority about her appearance and jealous of Helen her prettier. When a white schoolmate Charles came to visit Martha, she should feel â€Å"a sort of gratitude. † (Brooks 1653) According to Michel Foucault, the gaze is actually imposed upon people by themselves even though it looks like that it is imposed from something superior upon everyone. No need for weapons, physical violence or prohibition, it takes only a surveillant gaze to humble anyone, to make them the overseers of themselves. Luckily, Martha was a woman with artistic sensibility. Although living an ordinary life in a racist world, still she can find beauty and dignity in her life. When she spared the mouse, she experienced a new cleanness in her because â€Å"she had not destroyed. In the center of that simple restraint was—creation. She had created a piece of life. It was wonderful. †(Brooks 1667) This is a prelude revealing that her subjectivity was budding. Later when she gave birth to a daughter, her subjectivity was much improved by this motherhood—she did create a new life who was totally dependent on her at that time. At the beauty salon, she was shocked that the salon owner Mrs. Johnson just put up with a white saleswoman’s humiliation of referring them as â€Å"niggers†. It is not difficult to associate to what happened when Martha went to millinery with this. She decided against the hat even though the owner promised to cut price, and this lack of manners was attributed to her skin color by the salesgirl. â€Å"Black—oh,black† Her subjectivity is helpful yet not strong enough to fight everything. When Paul was laid off she went to work as a house maid in the Burns-Coopers’, she experienced that white gaze even more violently because the white woman Mrs. Coopers showed obvious contempt towards her. At this moment, she suddenly realized what her husband had suffered all the time in his working environment. Feeling this humiliation, she quitted the job the next day. She understood better about the struggles and frustrations caused by the white American now, even though she could not do much about it. She was always sensitive to the exclusion of the Negro in a white world, yet even cannot explain to her little girl why a store Santa Claus did not like her- or even smile at her—a wishful blindness. No matter what, Martha never gave up her love for life. At the end of the novella, Martha’s brother was back from the wars alive and well which made her sense the beauty of life again. She went such a long way fighting the confliction in her life, the problem of double identity and double-consciousness, and found her equanimity finally. So she would think that â€Å"At a moment like this one was ready for anything, was not afraid of anything†¦.. At a moment like this, one could even think of death with a sharp exhilaration, feel that death was a part of life; that life was good and death would be good too. † This reconciliation can be considered as Martha’s triumph of the struggle. In a word, Maud Martha captures the essence of Black life with regard to their double-consciousness under the white gaze, and Brooks recognizes the beauty and strength that lies within each of us. References: The Souls of the Black Folk, Du Bois, W. E. B. Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison , Michel Foucault Maud Martha, Gwendolyn Gwendolyn.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Lawrence Ferlinghetti: An American Poet :: essays research papers fc

Lawrence Ferlinghetti is an American poet best known as a leader of the beat movement of the 1950's. The beats were writers who condemned commercialism and middle-class American values. Ferlinghetti writes in colloquial free verse. His poetry describes the need to release literature and life from conformity and timidity. He believes drugs, Zen Buddhism, and emotional and physical love can open the soul to truth and beauty. Lawrence Ferlinghetti was born in Yonkers, New York, in 1919. After spending his early childhood in France, he received his B.A. from the University of North Carolina, an M.A. from Columbia University, and a Ph.D. from the Sorbonne. During World War II he served in the US Naval Reserve and was sent to Nagasaki shortly after it was bombed. He married in 1951 and has one daughter and one son. In 1953, Ferlinghetti and Peter Martin began to publish City Lights magazine. They also opened the City Lights Books Shop in San Francisco to help support the magazine. In 1955, they launched City Light Publishing, a book-publishing venture. City Lights became known as the heart of the "Beat" movement, which included writers such as Kenneth Rexroth, Gary Snyder, Allen Ginsberg, and Jack Kerouac. Ferlinghetti is the author of more than thirty books of poetry. He has translated the work of a number of poets including Nicanor Parra, Jacques Prevert, and Pier Paolo Pasolini. Ferlinghetti is also the author of two novels and of more than eight plays. In 1994, San Francisco renamed a street in his honor. He was also named the first Poet Laureate of San Francisco in 1998. In 2000, he received the lifetime achievement award from the National Book Critics Circle. Currently, Ferlinghetti writes a weekly column for the San Francisco Chronicle. He also continues to operate the City Lights bookstore, and he travels frequently to participate in literary conferences and poetry readings. Lawrence Ferlinghetti writes in free verse, a style of poetry that does not follow traditional rules of poetry composition. In writing free verse, poets avoid such usual elements as regular meter or rhyme. Instead, they vary the lengths of lines, use irregular numbers of syllables in lines, and employ odd breaks at the end of each line. They also use irregular accents and rhythms and uneven rhyme schemes. But free verse is not free from all form. It does use such basic poetic techniques as alliteration and repetition.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Steven Spielberg Essay -- essays research papers

Steven Spielberg   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As a kid in Phoenix, Steven Spielberg charged admission to his home movies while his sister sold popcorn. Although Spielberg excelled at making movies he was not a good student. He hated school and was one of the most unathletic students there. His movie making career began at the age of twelve when his father bought a movie camera that Spielberg used all the time. Instead of doing his school work he was using the camera. While he was working with his mom and sister on his projects, his father helped him make miniature sets out of paper mache.He turned out his first production, with script and actors, when he was thirteen, and a year later he won a prize for a forty minute war movie titled Escape to Nowhere. At the age of sixteen, his 140-minute production, Firelight, was shown in a local movie theater. In college, his short film, Amblin was shown at the Atlanta Film Festival and led to the boy genius's Universal Studios directing contract at the age of twenty.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Spielberg learned his craft doing television work, which included an episode of the Rod Serling series Night Gallery and the classic cult movie Duel. His first feature, The Sugarland Express, was released in 1974, and he was soon offered the chance to direct a thriller about a great white shark terrorizing a small New England beach town. Jaws cost $8.5 million and grossed $260 million. Spielberg followed it up two years later with Close Enc...

Friday, October 11, 2019

EBooks vs. Traditional Books Essay

I have compared and contrasted eBooks and traditional books. There are many similarities on these different kinds of books as well as many differences. Reading is one of the most important things that have an impact on people’s life. Technology now has also made an impact on books. Now there are e-readers like: kindle, nook, and IPad. The first kind of book is the EBooks. There are many positive things about the e Books. E Books are very useful for traveling, it doesn’t take much space, or it doesn’t weigh much. Some EBooks also have backlight to help them when there isn’t much light. EBooks are also efficient like their battery can lasts for more than 10 days. EBooks also allow the readers to format the fonts and size of the text. The second kind of book is the Traditional Books. Traditional books are available in libraries and bookstores, most of the time you can even read there because they are very quiet. Readers pick up books and are able to visualize how close they are to conquering those books, and how far they have come in doing so. Even after you have finished reading the book you can get profit out of it by selling it. You also don’t have to carry around an electronic device that you might get damaged with watch as to traditional books they pages only get wrinkled. A book seems so worthless compared to an EBook, but it has its own advantages. A book that is on a shelf would last longer than an EBook, for an e-reader’s battery will eventually run out, and the books that were saved in your device may get lost. A paper book is not as fragile as an e-reader, if you drop an e-reader it may get more severely damaged than a paper book. A paper book’s cover attracts customers with visual appeal, and the feeling of the paper itself and flipping the page is something that only paper books have. The designs of paper books tend to make them look beautiful too. Paper books remain readable for many years, but e-books will keep develop as technology develops; so you have to frequently replace it. Some paper books also have more value than e-books,  especially historical books. Despised all the differences, there are similarities between paper books and e-books. One similarity is that both paper books and e-books purpose is to give knowledge and entertain readers. Another similarity is that both books have variety of books that you could choose and read. They also transmit the author’s message to the readers. You will never get tired of reading. Paper books and e-books/e-readers are both beneficial and they are useful in different times. You don’t have to worry about weight or space when you are traveling with e-readers, but the paper books give you physical appeal. So maybe e-books are better for travelers and paper books for collectors. People usually store paper books, instead of e-books in archives. Books were and will always be part of our daily life.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Critically consider psychological explanations of love Essay

There are three psychological theories of love, The Three Factor Theory of Romantic Love, Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love and Romantic Love and Attachment. The three factor theory of romantic love suggested by Hatfield and Walster, recognises two types of love, passionate love and companionate love. Whilst passionate love can be seen as an intense physiological arousal which involves a longing for the other person, companionate love is more a feeling of affection towards those whom we feel deeply about. Hatfield and Walster propose a theory to explain passionate love based on three factors; physiological arousal, appropriate love object and cultural exposure. The authors see love as a label that is placed on someone that we are physiologically aroused by. Experiencing this arousal will cause a person to state it is because of love, since this is what our culture teaches us happens when we are in love. This theory receives support from research by Dutton and Aron. In this study, male participants were interviewed on a high or low suspension bridge, by an attractive female. The results supported the prediction that those males interviewed on a high bridge felt more sexual attraction to the woman, presumably because they experienced stronger physiological arousal. The males on the lower bridge felt less physical attraction, presumably because their physiological arousal was not as strong. It is possible that this theory could explain certain experiences such as love at first sight. However, since most people seem to fall in love gradually, this would suggest that for the majority of individuals, the label, love, comes first rather that the physiological arousal. The theory is also more applicable to western rather then eastern or collectivist cultures. Sternberg defines love as – intimacy (sharing mutual understanding and emotional support), passion (involves physical attraction and sexual desire) and decision/commitment (involves the short-term decision that you love someone and a longer-term commitment to maintain that love). These three components of love can be combined in different ways to produce seven varieties of love; liking, infatuation, empty love, romantic love, compassionate love, fatuous love and consummate love. These seven types of love form a triangle. Consummate love being in the center as it is the strongest form of love since it involves all three components. Sternberg believes that people have two different types of triangle. The first is based on an individuals own theory of love and is formed in a cultural context from watching television, observing parents, reading books, including listening to fairy tales when young. The second triangle is based on the individuals’ current relationship. According to Sternberg when two triangles are similar, relationships tend to be more successful. The theory has practical applications – it is possible to measure the components in the two parties and then analyse the differences in the types of love shown by each partner. It helps pinpoint areas where change and compromise may be necessary. However, the components are rather vague, especially commitment, and it is therefore difficult to judge the basis on which one person decides to love another. Hazan and Shaver proposed that romantic relationships are attachment relationships, and that individual differences in adult attachment style, mirror those found by psychologists who studied attachment styles such as Ainsworth. So rather than love being formed in a cultural context, Hazan and Shaver believe that love originates from a person’s early relationship with a primary caregiver. This theory developed out of two earlier pieces of research by Ainsworth and Bowlby. Ainsworth’s strange situation and the observation that children have three different styles of attachment – secure, insecure/anxious resistant and insecure/anxious avoidant. Bowlby’s belief that the mother’s behaviour towards the child creates an internal working model that leads the infant to expect the same in later relationships. According to Hazan and Shaver, later love relationships can be predicted from a child’s attachment style. So therefore a secure child who had a positive image of a caring mother will have relationships in later life that are friendly, trusting and more enduring. A child classified as insecure/anxious resistant will have conflicting memories of the mother, both positive and rejecting, causing relationships in later life to consist of emotional highs and lows, with moments of jealousy and concerns whether their partners really love them. Insecure/anxious avoidant children will remember their mother as cold and rejecting and have relationships in later life where they fear being close to someone and believe love is not necessary for happiness nor is it long lasting. Hazan and Shaver’s research receives support from a number of studies in that there does seem to be a relationship between early attachment experiences and later attitudes and behaviour to love for example Feeny and Noller 1990. However the research has all been correlational in this area, so it cannot be claimed that early attachment causes later relationships behaviour. The relationship between the two could be caused by another factor. Kagon believes this other factor to be the temperament of the child. Infants are born with certain temperaments which determine the quality of their early relationships and these innate or genetic factors affect relationships throughout life. The three psychological theories of love provide partial explanations for this most intense of human emotion. Whilst Hatfield and Walster believe love to be a state of strong physiological arousal, Sternberg and Hazan and Shaver believe that love originates from a persons early relationships with a primary caregiver.

Chiang Rai Thailand Health And Social Care Essay

This is a quantitative research review on a survey conducted in 2008 in the northern state of Chiang Rai, Thailand. The survey investigates the causal relationships between age, antiretroviral intervention, societal support, symptom experience, self-care schemes, and health-related quality of life ( HRQOL ) in people populating with HIV/AIDS ( PLWHA ) in the northern part of the said state. Four hundred 22 topics were selected to take part in the research and from them informations were collected with the usage of four different questionnaires. The consequences revealed that symptom experience had a important negative direct consequence on the HRQOL as opposed to age, societal support, antiretroviral intervention and self-care schemes which had important positive consequence on the HRQOL. Furthermore, it was seen that societal support and antiretroviral intervention had an indirect consequence on the HRQOL through self-care schemes. With these findings, it was recommended that public ity of societal support and attachment to antiretroviral intervention must be achieved to heighten the quality of life of people populating with HIV/ AIDS. The rubric is dryly stated which included a minimum figure of words but still adequately describes the contents of the paper ( Day & A ; Gastal, 2006 ) . It is concise yet does non compromise its relevancy and does non sound uninteresting. It is briefly put together but still is moderately extended to explicate the research without overpowering readers with excessively much information. Furthermore, the rubric is formulated in a strong and simple mode which is really of import in guaranting readers will non be distracted or confused. The rubric presents the topic of the research which is the health-related quality of life in people populating with HIV/ AIDS in the northern part of Thailand. The research workers of this survey are Thitiarpa Tangkawanich, Jintana Yunibhand, Sureeporn Thanasilp, and Kathy Magilvy. Thitiarpa Tangkawanich, RN, Msc, Jintana Yunibhand, RN, Msc, PhD, and Sureeporn Thanasilp, RN, Msc, DNS are members of the Faculty of Nursing in Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand while Kathy Magilvy, RN, PhD, FAAN is a professor of the College of Nursing of the University of Colorado, Denver, Colorado, USA. With all these academic certificates and makings, the research workers can be considered believable personalities in their several Fieldss of fortes. The research was made by well-thought-of professors and registered nurses. All of them have maestro ‘s grade while Tangkawanich is the lone one without a doctorial grade. The article uses an declarative or descriptive abstract to supply a brief sum-up of the chief points of the research ( Day & A ; Gastal, 2006 ) . Since the research surveies a societal occurrence in a quantitative attack, the research workers used this sort of abstract as it describes what transpired during the full research procedure. The abstract references the condensed signifier of the research purpose, which is to happen out the causal relationships between age, antiretroviral intervention, societal support, symptom experience, self-care schemes and health-related quality of life. The methodological analysis used in carry oning the research is mentioned although some information was excluded as they were discussed in item in the succeeding parts of the research. Four different questionnaires were used to roll up informations from the 422 respondents chosen for the survey. Using the Likert evaluation graduated table, the informations were analyzed and were so subjected to statist ical intervention with SPSS and LISREL. The abstract besides reports the major findings ( Day & A ; Gastal, 2006 ) which show that symptom experience has a important negative consequence on the HRQOL while the other staying variables had a important positive consequence. Additionally, societal support and antiretroviral intervention were besides found to hold an indirect consequence on HRQOL via self-care schemes. Last, the abstract of the survey suggests a recommendation for the health-care squad, together with the household and community, to advance societal support and guarantee antiretroviral intervention to heighten the quality of life in people populating with HIV/ AIDS sing the research findings. It besides illustrates the survey ‘s significance to clinical pattern. The research job is clearly presented in the debut of the article as it explains the principle behind the behavior of this survey ( Walsh & A ; Wigens, 2007 ) . The purpose in this survey is to look into the causal relationships between age, antiretroviral intervention, societal support, symptom experience, self-care schemes and the HRQOL in people populating with HIV/AIDS in northern Thailand. It examines whether or non relationships between these factors exist, what sort of relationships exists if there are any and how does it implicate the people with the infection and the likely intercessions to be taken by wellness attention squad every bit good. The debut was besides able to give a state of affairs about how people with HIV/AIDS in the involved survey puting live their lives. It gave a brief treatment about HIV/AIDS which significantly provides a good jump-start in explicating the entireness of the research. The debut states the scarceness in research stuff that focal point on the relationships among the variables identified, HRQOL and PLWHA, set uping the demand for the survey to be conducted. Although the debut was able to discourse the major points and variables in the survey, it did non include the restrictions. Additionally, the debut besides did non explicate the chief subject from a bigger international range to a narrow and more specific degree ( Day & A ; Gastal, 2006 ) . In amount, the debut was able to set up a clear logic, an analysis of old plants, background information and the chief intent of the research ( Walsh & A ; Wigens, 2003 ) . The broad literature reappraisal used in the research was able to give a good background about the major points in the survey. However, many other stuffs still could hold been used to further beef up the survey ‘s literature reappraisal. It is notable that the survey is supported by up to day of the month information which makes it more timely and relevant. The literature reappraisal utilized articles from many other research workers whose research end products have greatly provided helpful informations to the survey. The description of the present life conditions of the respondents ( Sukati et al. , 2005 ) , the self-care schemes that they use ( Panuwatsuk, 1998 ) , the symptoms and their correlativity to HRQOL ( Dodd et al. 2001 ) , the current antiretroviral intervention ( Heckman 2003 ) , all these and others, were taken from researches conducted from twelvemonth 2000 through 2007. The literature is able to show in text the theoretical construction from which the survey was anchored. With the sum of referenced articles presented in the literature, the balanced rating of back uping and opposing stuffs for the proposition is demonstrated. Since merely few researches surveies were made sing the indirect consequence of the many factors identified on the HRQOL in PLWHA, the necessity to develop a theoretical account that could show the direct and indirect effects of the forecasters on the HRQOL in PLWHA has clearly risen as stated in the literature reappraisal. Furthermore, of import mentions were acknowledged consequently to further reenforce the soundness of the survey. Notwithstanding, it may hold given an extended overview on the survey, but still it was non able to show a few important points. Although the literature illustrated a comprehensive background on the survey and the variables involved, it did non overtly cite the cardinal theoretical model. The survey is a quantitative research which tries to explicate a societal phenomenon. This connotes that no change of the environment was made and the respondents were non subjected to any signifier of controlled scene, therefore, variables involved are limited. Since this is a quantitative research, it must hold a sound hypothesis which will function as its anchor. But it is non stated alternatively, an implied hypothesis was used to see whether or non relationships exist among the forecasters: age, antiretroviral intervention, societal support, self-care schemes and symptom experience on wellness -related quality of life in people populating with HIV/AIDS. This is an illustration of a non-directional hypothesis ( Wood & A ; Haber, 2006 ) , where the hypothesis being tested is reversible but can be tested by geting informations and subjecting them to statistical analysis. The research workers used words that are largely clear and apprehensible. They did non utilize excessively many slangs in the he-man. Abbreviations like HRQOL, PLWHA and HIV/AIDS are besides clearly defined to avoid confusion. Footings besides have consistent and consistent definitions throughout the survey, particularly those operationally defined for this research ( Walonick, 2005 ) . The survey uses a cross-sectional quantitative survey with a non-experimental research design in placing the respondents ‘ degree of HRQOL in relation to their age, antiretroviral intervention, societal support, symptom experience, and self-care schemes. It means that an experimental survey utilizing a aggregation of informations on one juncture was made with a specific group of population all at the same clip ( Walsh & A ; Wigens, 2003 ) . It is the appropriate method to be used as it gives a snapshot of what happens in a chosen mark group or a phenomenon at one point in clip ( Babbie, 2010 ) . It is besides fit for this research as it is normally used in societal and medical scientific discipline. However, it besides has its failing or restriction since it merely captures the information at one specific clip as opposed to longitudinal surveies which involve a series of measurings taken over a period of clip ( Babbie, 2010 ) . Bing a non-experimental research, no use of the va riables was done and there was no effort made to alter the status, behavior or the environment of the variables as they are measured and analysed as they are. The respondents were merely made to reply questionnaires that will reflect their ain personal experience and at the same clip supply informations for the research worker ‘s perusing. The topics chosen for the survey are 422 people populating with HIV/AIDS who visited eight chosen outpatient infirmaries in the state of Chiang Rai in the northern portion of Thailand. Of which, 188 are males and 234 are females, with ages runing from 21 to 51 old ages old. The figure of respondents may non be sufficient to wholly stand for the mark population in the research puting but in many fortunes, a smaller sample size may be more important and useable in look intoing a state of affairs in deepness from different positions, while a big sample would be undistinguished particularly in societal researches ( Myers, 2000 ) . The research workers employed the lottery method without replacing in indiscriminately choosing eight infirmaries out of the 17 infirmaries in the northern state of Chiang Rai, Thailand. A random sampling method was so made to find the 422 topics who will be portion of the survey. They are people populating with HIV/ AIDS who visited the eight chosen outpatient infirmaries. The usage of lottery method in concurrence with simple random trying makes the choice of respondents more effectual and valid as it ignores repeat choices of component and gives more precise calculators ( Kalton, 1983 ) . Clearly, the attack used in sample choice and the sample size are doubtless stated. The research workers were able to methodically discourse the process undertaken in informations aggregation. They used four questionnaires to garner informations from the participants: societal support questionnaires, symptom experience questionnaire, self-care schemes questionnaire and health-related quality of life questionnaires. Each of these questionnaires has been carefully chosen and drafted for the survey. The three questionnaires for societal support, self-care schemes and health-related quality were all adapted from old research while the questionnaire for symptom experience was drafted establishing on the reappraisal of literature. The cogency and dependability of the questionnaires were greatly anchored on the internal consistences used for each questionnaire. The questionnaires are meticulously reviewed by the research worker to guarantee its ability to mensurate what it intends to mensurate ( Foddy, 1993 ) . However, no reference about pilot testing was made and this ma y be considered one of the survey ‘s failings. Creswell ( 2003 ) stated that ethical issues arise most normally in informations aggregation where confidentiality and namelessness are in careful examination. These concerns are recognised and acted upon by the research workers by guaranting respondents were given due protection and their safety is non abridged. The research workers acquired the blessing of the Ethical Review Committee for Research Involving Human Subjects and/or Use of Animals in Research, Health Science Group of Faculties, Colleges and Institutes, Chulalongkorn University, and the Ethical Review Committee for the Biomedical Group, Chiangraiprachanukroh Hospital, Thailand. With human topics involved in the survey, such blessing was obtained. The intent and methods of the survey were explained to the participants through the informed consent which acknowledges the participants ‘ rights are protected ( Creswell, 2003 ) . The consequences of the survey were presented clearly in graphical signifier and text. The consequences of the statistical intervention of the informations were explained in four concise yet extremely enlightening paragraphs while the demographics of the topics were presented in a more ocular and apprehensible tabular array ( Kumar, 2005 ) . The internal consistences of the informations, utilizing the Cronbach ‘s alpha were besides presented accurately, for societal support 0.8, for symptom experience which was clustered into six symptoms, weariness 0.88, nausea 0.92, diarrhea 0.93, depression 0.92, neuropathy 0.93 and anxiousness 0.92 ; for self-care schemes 0.77 and eventually for HRQOL 0.85. Given all these figures, readers are assured that the consequences are good calculated and analysed to guarantee that high degree of cogency and dependability is achieved. Four different and highly-structured questionnaires ( Overseas Learning Faculty 2004 ) were used in roll uping informations. The usage of questionnaires is the appropriate technique in obtaining informations for cross-sectional designed research or societal studies as it acquires first-hand information from the topics without change or use of their responses ( Bryman & A ; Bell, 2003 ) . On the other manus, SPSS and LISREL, statistical computing machine plans that perform higher computations and structural equation, were used for statistical analysis. Statistical interventions done with the said statistical tool are considered extremely right ( Norse School of Management, 2009 ) . The consequences of the information analysis show that path relationships between the variables were investigated to guarantee that important differences are non attributed to fluctuations in other relevant variables. It can besides be noted that the information analysis adequately showed the complete infor mation with the trial value, grade of freedom and chance for each identified variable, thereby giving more constituted consequences. The treatment of the research findings ties together all the pieces of the survey and gives a image of the survey as a whole. It relates and translates the figures to literature reappraisal therefore doing it more comprehendible and balanced ( Russel, 2002 ) . The research workers were able to travel back to literature and discourse that most of their research findings are consistent and similar with the plants antecedently done by other research workers on HRQOL in PLWHA. It besides tackled the deductions of the topics ‘ socio-economic position, gender, age, societal support, antiretroviral intervention, and symptom experience and self-care schemes to their health-related quality of life. The restriction of the survey was besides acknowledged where the usage of cross-sectional theoretical account was perceived to be the theoretical account ‘s failing since it merely gives a snapshot of the existent discernible fact at one point in clip ( Wood & A ; Haber, 2006 ) . Theref ore, it was suggested that future surveies should be conducted to further set up the causal relationships between the variables longitudinally over a longer period of clip to get enduring and more dependable research consequences. The decision coheres with and is supported by the consequences obtained. The research workers conclude that a causal theoretical account of HRQOL in PLWHA indicate that most factors have direct and indirect effects on the HRQOL. Consequently, age, societal support, antiretroviral intervention, symptom experience, and self-care schemes are considered to be important factors in explicating and foretelling the HRQOL in Thai PLWHA. Furthermore, self-care schemes link societal support and antiretroviral intervention with HRQOL in Thai PLWHA. The research workers besides presented the deductions of the survey which are really instrumental in the survey ‘s concluding recommendations. With the findings and decisions at manus, the research workers strongly recommend executable propositions to assist people populating with HIV/AIDS achieve a higher quality of life as they hurdle challenges of huge proportions, including HIV-stigma, deficiency of societal support, and mental wellness issues such as depression ( Jiraphongsa et al. , 2009 ) . The research workers gave motive on the publicity of societal support from the household and the community as it was found to be positively correlated with a better quality of life ( Fogel, 1998 ) . Observation to antiretroviral intervention, early symptom sensing and prompt intercession and pattern of self-care schemes must besides be ensured to accomplish a higher quality of life. The research workers besides pointed out the demand to carry on future research on this subject to get the better of the restrictions they met in carry oning this academic work for stronger and more dependable consequences. ( 2,770 words )

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Latin American History and Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Latin American History and Society - Essay Example Hegemony and transculturation were majorly brought about by the colonization and importation of the slaves to provide labor in Latin America. European entry had both economic and political motivations, but also allowed cultural contact and exchange among Europe, Africa and America (Chasteen 6-118). Colonization by the European resulted to the enslavement of the natives to work for the Spaniards who provided all orders concerning the activities to be carried out. The main aim of the colonizers was to establish administrative dependency in which the local people were directly ruled. They also imposed social-cultural, religious and linguistic structures on the conquered population. They believed that their morals and values were superior. All population under colony had to be converted to Christianity. All those who were opposed to these introductions of beliefs and religious practices faced severe penalties and death, to some extent. Also, their lands were taken and given to those who converted to Roman Catholicism. This mobilization of the natives was to create labor force that was used to meet production quotas. Enslavement resulted to death of many since these were activities that they were not accustomed to. Spanish treatment of the indigenous population sparked fierce debates at their home regarding the issue of entailment of basic rights to mankind. This debate touched on religion being questioned, if those enslaved had souls (Chasteen 6-118). The enslavement of the Africans in the Spanish Americas started in 1502. This was after the abolition of the native enslavement. The monarchs gave permission to the colonist to import African slaves. Most of the blacks were migrated to Europe by the transatlantic trade. Although some of the blacks born in Spain were not slaves they still were subjected to cruelty and hard labor. The replacement of the natives slave by the Africans was accepted by time the Spaniards. Later on the slaves escaped to various destinations, some ended up in Florida where they were granted freedom after they converted to Roman Catholicism. In those sections they went to, they were given protection by the governments therefore making it hard for their masters to retake them. Settlement and protection of the slaves contributed to ending of the slavery. This resulted to linguistic and cultural links in the community they settled in. Acceptance of the Negros into the communities they ended up in constituted to sharing and mixing of various issues like marriages and creation of laws, that both protected the freed slaves and also the natives of the Latin America. Finally, the colonization helped to crease consciousness of an inter-dependent world community shared by everyone. 1b After European colonizing the Americans, they imposed all their morals and values to all those subjected under them. The Catholic Church and the Roman Empire ruled the Europe by the 1500. All the colonies of Europe therefore had to spread this religi on to all the natives regardless of their beliefs. This was evidenced by the crusades spread in the colonies. This was referred to as the divine right of conquest. Considering the fact that the Islamic religion had widely spread, it made it difficult for other people to change to Catholicism since many were already Muslims. The end result was the merging of the catholic monarchies in Spain and giving Catholic Church control power of religion